Integrated Architecture and Engineering

This research thrust explores the integration of architecture and engineering capabilities with the objective of developing new infrastructure solutions for Singapore’s economic clusters.  Research topics under this thrust include those relating to environmental sustainability and passive design, buildability and constructability (i.e. new materials, methods and construction productivity), and adaptive reuse.

Projects under this thrust includes:-

CO2 Membranes for High Performance Low Carbon Footprint Building Materials
PI: Dr Tan Mei Chee
Co-PI: Dr Richard Riman (Rutgers University)

The objective of this project is to develop technologies for the manufacturing of building and infrastructure materials with a low carbon footprint. This program will focus on the development of ceramic or hybrid membranes to capture and separate carbon dioxide in gas streams emanating from various potential chemical processes. We aim to design, fabricate and test the functions and performance of CO2 membranes in close collaboration with the Rutgers team. This technology is expected to be integrated with a carbonate cement concrete manufacturing processes invented by our collaborators at Rutgers University.


CO2 Capture Modules – Reduce Carbon Footprint of Underground Spaces
PI: Dr Tan Mei Chee
Co-PI: Dr Low Hong Yee

This project aims to advance the frontiers for product integration of our unique carbon capture materials leading to a disruptive technology that will reduce the carbon footprint of products and infrastructure.  We will focus on developing two major areas:

(1) scalable fabrication of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture modules (CCMs),

(2) integration of CCMs with the façade of underground parking spaces to sequester the accumulated CO2 from vehicle exhaust emissions.  To circumvent the dependence on efficient CO2 separators and liquefiers, we seek to create a platform of materials and scalable processing technologies to fabricate CO2 capture membranes in an adaptive and modular design that can be integrated with new or existing products and infrastructure.  For example, a CO2 capture module containing our proprietary CO2 absorbing membranes may consist of a serial combination of membranes such that the absorption is maximized without undesirable flow effects (e.g., fouling, pressure buildup) that are often associated with traditional membrane designs.


Image Credit
Integrated Architecture and Engineering
Garden by the Bay by Steel Wool, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0