1 April 2023STATUS
Tote Board (Singapore)
Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
PI: Dr Harvey Neo (LKYCIC, SUTD)
Co-PI: Dr Samuel Chng (LKYCIC, SUTD); Dr Justin Lee (IPS, NUS)
Team: Dr Suhaila Zainal Shah, Dr Sarah Chan, Ms Chloe Ng, Ms Dolphie Bou, Ms Flora Du Yuting (LKYCIC, SUTD), Dr Thilanga Dilum Wewalaarachchi (IPS, NUS)
Future-Ready Society is a first-of-its-kind tripartite partnership between Tote Board, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC), and the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS). This partnership brings together academic research and action-oriented solutioning in order to improve Singapore’s future-readiness.
The three organisations will leverage their pooled capabilities to engage the People-Private-Public (3P) sectors in testing solutions that prepare Singapore’s social ecosystem for future challenges.
What is a Future-Ready Society?
Being “future-ready” requires possession of the capability to anticipate, prepare for, and embrace the “likely knowns” and “unknowns” of the future. A future-ready society is envisioned to be one that is actively planning and solutioning towards its desired future, taking into consideration the “likely knowns”, and is resilient in the face of unexpected threats, shocks and stressors brought about by “unknowns”.
This requires a strong disposition towards futures thinking and futures foresight in the community in order to (a) better identify and sense-make around issues that may potentially affect Singapore’s future; (b) formulate and test-bed appropriate initiatives that will strengthen future-readiness. To that ends, a social ecosystem which encourages citizen participation in molding common, desired futures needs to be built.
The programme currently focuses on two themes, the Future of Resilient Families and Empowered Communities and the Future of Civic Engagement. Additional themes will be added as the programme develops.
For more information on Future-Ready Society, please refer to this link or contact us at futureready@sutd.edu.sg
1 April 2023STATUS
Tote Board (Singapore)
Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore