1 June 2018STATUS
PI: Mr Poon King Wang (LKYCIC, SUTD)
Team: Mr Goh Zi An Galvyn, Ms Radha Vinod, Mr Darion Hotan, Mr William Liu Shu Yuan (LKYCIC, SUTD)
The rise of artificial intelligence, automation, and digitalization poses both potential risks and opportunities. These trends can be deeply disruptive and destabilising for individuals, families, workers, companies, leaders and society. This includes the vulnerable and/or less fortunate members of society. Concurrently, these trends can augment what these individuals, groups and institutions do daily, they can increase productivity, create better jobs, and drive economic growth, among many other beneficial factors.
The study aims to develop understanding of the following:
- How a task-based approach can help empower individuals, families, workers, companies, leaders, and society to adapt and keep ahead of the changes in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
- How a task-based approach can help workers transition to new jobs, either within sector or across sectors.
- How a task-based approach can inform job redesign to create more engaging and energizing jobs.
- How a task-based approach can inform remote and hybrid work.
- How a task-based approach can complement pre-existing skills and occupational/organizational frameworks.
- How a task-based approach can help give individuals, workers and families a voice and choice in their careers and decisions throughout their lifespan.
- How a task-based approach can help educators and learners.
The study employs the following methods:
- Jobs are broken down into tasks using a combination of social science and data science methods and expertise
- These tasks are analyzed using the LKYCIC Tasks-Skills Stack, which is an AI-powered task database.
- Job transitions can be generated to help workers transition to new jobs both within and across sectors and via multi-stage transitions.
- Emerging and in-demand tasks can be identified via a synthesis of social science and data science algorithms.
Project email: digitalsocieties@sutd.edu.sg
1 June 2018STATUS
- Goh, Zi An Galvyn, Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Vinod, Radha., Hotan, Darion., & Poon, King Wang. (2020). Job Mobility/Transition Pathways. From Redefining the Finance Function with Job Redesign (pp. 21-28; 41 to 55). Singapore: ISCA.
- IMDA (2020). A Guide To Job Redesign In The Age Of Ai. IMDA LKYCIC. Retrieved from https://file.go.gov.sg/ai-guide-to-jobredesign.pdf.
- Apsley, Holly., Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Vinod, Radha., Lim, Wee Kiat., Ferreyrol-Alesi, Eleanor., Robinet, Pierre., Gridel, Ming-li., & Poon, King Wang. (2019). AI and Work: Equal to the Task in Live with AI 2019 White Paper: How to empower humans amid the rise of artificial intelligence in society (pp.36-63). Singapore: Live with AI.
- Goh, Zi An Galvyn. (2019) Can our Well-Being at Work be improved in the age of AI? Live with AI 2019 White Paper: How to empower humans amid the rise of artificial intelligence in society. Singapore: Live with AI.
- Poon, King Wang., Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri., Willems, This., Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Subhan, Mohamed Salihin., Gan, Li Hui Sarah., Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Apsley, Holly., & Vinod, Radha. (2019). Polarizing of Job Opportunities: Charting New Pathways and Adopting New Technologies. Retrieved from: http://www. otcinstitute.org.sg/wps/wcm/connect/b5b9d3b5-7883-4f99-8fef-b0566af29e4d/ LRC2018-Polarising+of+Job+Opportunities.pdf?MOD=AJPERES .
- Poon, King Wang., Hyowon, Lee., Lim, Wee Kiat,, Elara, Mohan., Rajesh., Chae, Youngjin., Balasubramanium, Gayathri., Yong, Aaron., & Yeong, Raymond. (2017). Living Digital 2040: Future of Work, Education and Healthcare. World Scientific.
- Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Vinod, Radha., Apsley, Holly., & Poon, King Wang. (2020, June). Development of a novel method to apply the Job Demands-Resources model in job tasks. Institute of Work Psychology International Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- Poon, King Wang., Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri., Willems, This., Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Subhan, Subhan, Mohamed Salihin., Gan, Li Hui Sarah., Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Apsley, Holly., & Vinod, Radha.(2018). Polarizing of Job Opportunities: Charting New Pathways and Adopting New Technologies. Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi)/National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) Labour Research Conference.
- Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Bin Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim., Vinod, Radha., Apsley, Holly., & Poon, King Wang. (2019, May). “Oh gosh my job has been replaced by a robot!” Investigating the perspectives of workers and employers considering job transitions via the Task-based approach. Poster session at the 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.