Future of Cities Phase I Completed
Future of Cities Phase II OngoingPARTNERS AND SPONSORS
National Research Foundation
Ministry of National Development
National Population and Talent Division
Tote Board
Future of Cities Phase I Completed
Future of Cities Phase II OngoingPARTNERS AND SPONSORS
National Research Foundation
Ministry of National Development
National Population and Talent Division
Tote Board
The Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities launched “The Future of Cities” program in November 2014 with seven studies. Funded by the National Research Foundation and the Ministry of National Development, these studies examine the opportunities and challenges for Singapore over the next twenty-five years in seven areas:
Future of Cities Phase I
- Sustainable Futures
- Data Economy
- Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore
- Future Society – Imagining the New Diversity (funded by National Population and Talent Division)
- Future Economy
- Data Economy
- Future Transportation
- Living with Technology – Future of Work, Education, and Healthcare
Future of Cities Phase II
- Future Digital Economies and Societies (builds on Living with Technology work)
- Future-Ready Society
These projects are designed to contribute to a deeper understanding of Singapore’s economy and society, how Singapore can tackle technology disruption and transformation, and how Singapore can continue to be liveable and sustainable.