
11 Smart Cities

Authors: Belinda Yuen, Yanjun Cai, Francine Chan, Xin Yang and Kelly Lim
The LKYCIC Working Paper Series is intended for sharing new and exciting research, reporting preliminary research results and ideas so as to stimulate critical discourse on innovative cities. These can be research in progress or thought pieces and should reference the following author guidelines. Authors interested in contributing original submissions for this series should contact for more information.

Socio-technical Transition of Singapore Public Housing Building Technology Innovation, 1960 – 1995

This paper reports on the research conducted on building technology innovation during Singapore’s early decades of public housing development, 1960 – 1995. Taking an historical perspective and insights from Science and Technology Studies, it investigates the growth of innovation change in Singapore public housing and how this responded to social needs using a combination of data sources including archival materials and personal interviews. This working paper is authored by Jane M. Jacobs, Professor of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College & Visiting Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, SUTD and Belinda Yuen, Professorial Fellow and Research Director, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, SUTD.

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The Planning of a City-State

The Planning of a City-State provides a comprehensive overview of how the modern city‐state that Singapore is today came to be through planning for housing, transport, environment and heritage. This working paper is authored by Peter Ho, Chairman of the Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Authority.

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What is a City For?

Dr. Kotkin reviews the concept of “living well” in the context of what makes a city great. He explores these issues in the “post‐familial city” and the implications on equality, sustainability and happiness. Dr. Kotkin is a Distinguished Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and the Executive Editor of New Geography.

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To promote empirical research on cities and urban issues, LKYCIC has launched the LKYCIC Research Paper Series, featuring publications by our Centre’s researchers. Through this series, we hope to reach out to a wider audience, share the exciting research that we do at the Centre and encourage increased publication and rapid circulation of our work.

Revitalising Reused Railway: Remaking disused rail infrastructure into people places

Although interest in placekeeping and adaptive reuse of disused railway heritage to revitalize urban economy and local community is growing, few have examined the multi-stakeholders involved in the redevelopment, their collaboration and partnership strategies and enabling factors. To address this gap, this study based on literature review examined four major repurposed railway infrastructure: Djerring Trail (Melbourne, Australia), Promenade Plantée (Paris, France), Gyeongui Line Forest Park (Seoul, South Korea) and High Line (New York, USA). The study highlights four key aspects of collaborative placekeeping: integration of diverse programmes and activities, use of various approaches in multi-stakeholder collaboration, importance of balancing diverse interests and needs evaluation in placekeeping initiatives.

Politics of Housing: Prospects for right to the city in Jakarta

Using the case study of Jakarta, this exploratory paper seeks to understand the extent to which changing state-society relations help the marginalised claim their right to the city. It argues that everyday level state-society interactions between citizens, NGOs, and state actors, informed by differential notions of the housing issue, are crucial to increasing the welfare of these urban residents and their access to the city. However, there are limitations and implications as societal and state actors cope with the challenges of rapid urbanisation. This research paper is authored by Irna Nurlina Masron, Research Associate, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, SUTD.

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  • Chan, Sarah Hian May., Leung, Angela Ka-yee., & Ng, Shu Tian. (2024). Regret about environmental destruction: Examining the relative strengths of affective regret and cognitive regret in promoting pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 100, Article 102487.
  • Chan, Sarah Hian May., Qiu, Lin., & Lam, Jerlyn. (2024). An Investigation into the Stress-Buffering Effects of Nature Virtual Backgrounds in Video. In Moore, Brian, Murray, Elizabeth, Winslade, Matthew, Tan, Lee-Ming (eds) Applied Psychology Readings: Selected Papers from the Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2023 (p. 169). Springer Nature.
  • Rauf, Hanna A., Hamel, Perrine., Ngo, Kang Min., Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa., Lim, Vera Shi Han., See, James Zhe Yuan.(2024). Incorporating tiny forests in the neighborhood of Singapore – Opportunities and Challenges, Nature-based Solutions, 6.
  • Cunliffe, Ann Louise., de Vaujany, François-Xavier., Hafermalz, Ella., Introna, Lucas., Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Aurélie., & Willems, Thijs. (2024). Introduction to Special Issue: Experiencing communality and togetherness at work: Phenomenologies of a shared existence. Management Learning, 55(3), 353-365.
  • Willems, Thijs., & Poon, King Wang. (2024). Dismantling Age Myths: Towards a Resilient Multigenerational Manufacturing Sector in Singapore. Singapore Labour Journal, 3(01), 31-46.
  • Wang, Yang., Chng, Samuel., Trenerry, Brigid., Suhaila, Zainal Shah., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2024). Five-Stage Model of Technology Domestication in the Workplace: An Organisational Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management Software. Singapore Labour Journal, 3, 65-88. Doi: 10.1142/S2811031524000056
  • Kurniawan, Jude H., Miller, Kristine., Chng, Samuel., Blessing, Lucienne T.M., & Cheah, Lynette. (2024). Participatory Planning in Designing Autonomous Mobility Systems: A Design Thinking Approach. International Journal on Smart and Sustainable Cities, 2. doi: 10.1142/S297242602340007X
  • Li, Yunjing., & Li, Xin. (2024). The Giant in the Niche: Planning Green Megaprojects as Urban Experimentation. Planning Theory & Practice25(3), 352–370.
  • Huang, Qian., Williems, Thijs., & Poon, King Wang. (2024). The application of GPT-4 in grading design university students’ assignment: An exploratory study, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.17698
  • Huang, Qian., & Wang, Qiyun. (2024). Exploring the Use of ChatGPT for a Systematic Literature Review: a Design-Based Research, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2409.1
  • Kato, Yohei., Lim, Samson., & Chong, Keng Hua. (2024). Collaboration as organizational empowerment: a network perspective. Journal of Community Practice
  • Tan, Jonathan., & Jayasekara, Dinithi. (2024). Perfect conformity to observable minimal rituals engenders trust: An experimental test of the signaling hypothesis. Applied Psychology, 1–25.
  • Yuen, Belinda., Bhuyan, Md Rashed., Ho, Darren., & Joyce, Sam. (2024). Redefining Active Mobility from Spatial to Social in Singapore. Journal of Transport and Health, 38, 101869. 
  • Wong, Yi Jie., Poh, Ruth., Koh, Lip Wee., Yang, Xin. & Chng, Samuel. (2024). Evaluating the impact of road pedestrianisation on businesses: A case study in Singapore. International Journal of Smart and Sustainable Cities, 2. doi: 10.1142/S2972426023400081
  • Cunliffe, Anne., de Vaujany, François-Xavier., Hafermalz, Ella., Introna, Lucas., Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Aurelie., Willems, Thijs. (2024). Experiencing communality in collective activity:  Four ways to generate sameness in differences. Management Learning.
  • Jayasekara, Dinithi., & Tan, Jonathan. (2024). How do intercultural proximity and social fragmentation promote international patent cooperation? Small Bus Econ.


  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel., & Li, Bayi. (2023). The role of labour unions in a just transition: Insights from the workers. Singapore Labour Journal, 2(1), 39-53.
  • Huang, Bernice., Choi, Yunkyung., Chng, Samuel., & Neo, Harvey. (2023). Examining policy strategies for electrifying transportation in ASEAN: A STEELUP framework evaluation. Sustainability, 15(22), 15708.
  • Cai, Yanjun., Xu, JieLan., & Drinkall, Scott. (2023). Ride-hailing while female: Negotiating China’s digital public sphere. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
  • Lan, Min., & Huang, Qian. (2023). Clustering digital learning pathway preferences from the perspectives of epistemic justification on self-regulated learning, social presence, and resources. Heliyon, 9(9), e20038.
  • Mussagulova, Assel., Chng, Samuel., Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Tang, Cheryl J., & Jayasekara, Dinithi N. (2023). When is a career transition successful? A systematic literature review and outlook (1980–2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
  • Fu, Yumeng., Li, Yunjing., & Li, Xin. (2023). Coexisting or coworking? The reconfigured office spaces in two emerging global cities. Journal of Urban Affairs.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa., & Low, Hui Lee. (2023). Deciphering the ‘cosmopolitan grid’: The production of space in diversifying heartland neighborhoods of Singapore. Urban Studies.
  • Prissé, Benjamin. (2023).Visual continuous time preferences. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 2, 1206679.
  • Alfonso, Antonio., Brañas-Garza, Pablo., Jorrat, Diego., Lomas, Pablo., Prissé, Benjamin., Vasco, Monica., & Vázquez-De Francisco, Maria. Jose. (2023). The adventure of running experiments with teenagers. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 106, 102048.
  • Wang, Qiyun., & Huang, Qian. (2023). Engaging online learners in blended synchronous learning: A systematic literature review. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
  • Huang, Qian., & Jung, Jisun. (2023). Career decision-making among Chinese doctoral engineering graduates after studying in the United States. Higher Education Quarterly.
  • Chng, Samuel., Plananska, Jana., & Cheah, Lynette. (2023). Comparison of travel attitude study methods using online tools: The case of understanding public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 20, 100847.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Dunn, Kevin., & Paradies, Yin. (2023). Productive disruptions: Supporting diversity and anti-racism in the workplace through multi-level organisational strategies. Australian Journal of Management.
  • Mak, Candy., & Poon, King Wang. (2023). Don’t fear the reaper: Digital transformation in Singapore’s MICE industry. Asian Management Insights, 10(1), 66-72.
  • Bala, Haimanti., Anowar, Sabreena., Chng, Samuel., & Cheah, Lynette. (2023). Review of studies on public acceptability and acceptance of shared autonomous mobility services: Past, present and future. Transport Reviews, 43(5), 970-996.
  • Chew, Jocelyn., Li, Jiayi., & Chng, Samuel. (2023). Improving adult eating behaviours by manipulating time perspective: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology & Health.
  • Chew, Jocelyn.,Chng, Samuel., Rajasegaran, Nagadarshini Nicole., Choy, Khun Hean., & Chong, Yuen Yu. (2023). Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on weight, eating behaviours and psychological outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 28(6).


  • Day, Jennifer., Phelps, Nicholas A., Veeroja, Piret., & Yang, Xin. (2022) From Edge City to City? Planning intentions for Edge Cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 88(4), 565-577.
  • Yuen, Belinda., Lane, Anna., & Močnik, Špela. (2022). Using Delphi technique to develop a shared vision for dementia-friendly Singapore. Journal of Aging and Environment.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2022). The city of the future needs a data culture that sees the visible and invisible. Ethos, (24), 97-103.
  • Derrick, Jay., Willems, Thijs., & Poon, King Wang. (2022). Researching informal workplace learning in the context of remote working in the post COVID-19 world. Hungarian Educational Research Journal. 12(4), 445-459.
  • Graham, Connor., Pang, Natalie., & Willems, Thijs. (2022). Introduction to the special issue “Digital Mortality: Death and infrastructure”. The Information Society, 38(3), 167-173.
  • Benita, Francisco., Fuentes, Luis., Guzman, Luis Angel., Martinez, Rafael., Munoz, Juan Carlos., Neo, Harvey., Rodriguez-Leiva, Sebastian., & Soza-Parra, Jaime. (2022). Comparing COVID-19 in the antipodes: Insights from pandemic containment strategies on both sides of the Pacific. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 15, 1-12.
  • Chng, Samuel., Chang, Catherine., Mosquera, Karenza., & Leong, Wai Yan. (2022). Living in a Silver Zone: Residents’ perceptions of area-wide traffic calming measures in Singapore. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 16, 1-9, 100710.
  • Chng, Samuel., Kawasumi, Mikiko., Al-Ahda, Mohd., Mangla, Chavi., & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Evaluating the use of graphic symbols in autonomous vehicle-to-pedestrian communication. IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Macau, China, pp. 389-394.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Wang, Yang., Lim, Sun Sun., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2022). Mobilising workers via digital means: Reinventing trade unions for the digital age. Singapore Labour Journal, 1, 6-19.
  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena., & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Understanding shared autonomous vehicle preferences: a comparison between shuttles, buses, ridesharing and taxis. Sustainability, 14, 13656.
  • Miler, Kristi., Chng, Samuel., & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Understanding acceptance of shared autonomous vehicles among people with different mobility and communication needs. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 200-210.
  • Chng, Samuel., Lu, Han Yu., Kumar, Ayush., & Yau, David. (2022). Hacker types, motivations and strategies: A comprehensive framework. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 5, 100167.
  • Moogoor, Adithi., Močnik, Špela., & Yuen, Belinda. (2022). Neighbourhood environmental influences on older adults’ physical activities and social participation in Singapore : A photovoice study.  Social Science & Medicine, 310, 115288.
  • Močnik, Špela., Moogoor, Adithi., & Yuen, Belinda. (2022) Exploring facilitators and barriers of older adults’ outdoor mobility: A walk-along study. Singapore Journal of Transport and Health, 26, 101386.
  • Yuen, Belinda., & Jacobs, JM. (2022) Down the vertical refuse chutes in Singapore high-rise living. Journal of Planning History.
  • Hansson, Fredrik. (2022). Pricing radioactive pollutants: Evidence from the Swedish housing market. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
  • Chng, Samuel., Chew, Jocelyn., & Joireman, Jeff. (2022). When time is of the essence: Development and validation of brief consideration of future (and immediate) consequences scales. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111362.


  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena., & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). To embrace or not to embrace? Understanding public’s dilemma about autonomous mobility services: A case study of Singapore. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(4), 1542-1552.
  • Poon, King Wang., Hakim, Norhashim Norakmal., Vinod, Radha., & Hotan, Darion. (2021). Building resilience amidst uncertainty: The future of work in the age of digitalisation. The Karyawan, 16(3), 2-5.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2021). “Cross-Sector GPS”: Building an industry-agnostic and human-centered future of work. AI Governance in 2020 a year in review, 75-76.
  • Luo Rachel., Fan Yichun., Yang Xin., Zhao Jinhua., & Zheng Siqi. (2021). The impact of social externality information on foresting sustainable travel mode choice: a behavioural experiment in Zhengzhou, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 152, 127-145
  • Willems, Thijs., & Hafermalz, Ella. (2021). Distributed seeing: Algorithms and the reconfiguration of the workplace, a case of ‘automated’ trading. Information and Organization, 31(4), 100376.
  • Priest Naomi., Doery, Kate., Truong, Mandy., Guo, Shuaijun., Perry, Ryan., Trenerry, Brigid., Karlsen, Saffron., Kelly Yvonne., & Paradies, Yin. (2021). Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining the relationship between reported racism and health and well-being for children and youth: a protocol.  BMJ Open, 11(6):e043722.
  • Bajaj, Tamanna Kaur., & Chng, Samuel. (2021). The dilemma of digitalisation: Understanding the challenges, needs and support for SME retailers in Singapore. Available at SSRN:
  • Chng, Samuel., Kong, Penny., Lim, Pei Yi., Cornet, Henriette., & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). Engaging citizens in driverless mobility: Insights from a global dialogue for research, design and policy. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 11, 100443.
  • Yang, Tian., Wang, Yang., & Zhang, Weiyu. (2021). Effects of knowledge and reflection in intrapersonal deliberation. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), 134–138.
  • Chew, Jocelyn., & Chng, Samuel.  (2021). COVID-19 pandemic response behaviours: A Singapore experience of the “Circuit Breaker”. Translational Behavioural Medicine, 11(3), 808-813.
  • Wang, Yang., & Lim, Sun. Sun. (2021). Nomadic life archiving across platforms: Hyperlinked storage and compartmentalized sharing. New Media & Society, 23(4), 796–815.
  • Kurniawan, Jude Herijadi., Chng, Samuel., & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). The social acceptance of autonomous vehicles. IEEE Potentials, 40(4), 39-44.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Yang, Wang., Shah, Suhaila Binte Zainal., Lim, Sun Sun., Lu, Han Yu., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2021). Preparing workplaces for digital transformation: An integrative review and framework of multi-level factors. Frontiers in Psychology12, 822.
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed. (2021). Geographies of outdoor play in Dhaka: An explorative study on children’s location preference, usage pattern and accessibility range of play spaces. Children’s Geographies, 20(1), 94-108.
  • Wang, Yang., & Lim, Sun. Sun. (2021). ICTs and transnational householding: the double burden of polymedia connectivity for international “study mothers”. In M. McAuliffe (ed), Handbook of migration and technology, 207-219. Edward Elgar.
  • Hou, Yuting., Moogoor, Adithi., Dieterich, Anna., Song, Siqi., & Yuen, Belinda. (2021). Exploring built environment correlates of older adults’ walking travel from lifelogging images. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 96, 102850.
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., & Yuen, Belinda. (2021). Older adults’ views of the connections between neighbourhood built environment and health in Singapore. Journal of Population Ageing, 15, 279-299.
  • El-Taliawi, Ola G., Nair, Sreeja., & Van der Wal, Zeger. (2021). Public policy schools in the global south: a mapping and analysis of the emerging landscape. Policy Sciences, 54, 371-395.


  • Martinez, Rafael., & Masron, Irna. (2020). City Profile. Jakarta: A city of cities. Cities, 106, 102868.
  • Ong, Corinne., Fearnley, Lyle., & Chia, Siow Boon. (2020). The diversity of divestment in Singapore: Junk commodities, charity gifts, and recycling bins. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4(2),603–622.
  • Talami, Riccardo., & Jakubiec, Alstan. (2020). Early-design sensitivity of radiant cooled office buildings in the tropics for building performance. Energy and Buildings223, 110177.
  • He, Sylvia.Y., Wu, Dan., Chen, Huiwei., Hou, Yuting., Ng, Mee Kam. (2020). New towns and the local agglomeration economy. Habitat International, 98, 102153.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2020). Ageing and digital technology in the COVID-19 response. Town Planning Review, 92(3), 343-349.
  • Wang, Yang., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2020). Digital asymmetries in transnational communication: Expectation, autonomy and gender positioning in the household. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(6), 365-381.
  • Nair, Sreeja. (2020) Designing policy pilots under climate uncertainty: A conceptual framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(4), 344-359.
  • Hou, Yuting., Yap, Winston., Chua, Rochelle., Song, Siqi., & Yuen, Belinda. (2020). The associations between older adults’ daily travel pattern and objective and perceived built environment: A study of three neighbourhoods in Singapore. Transport Policy, 99, 314-328.
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., Lane, Anna., Moogoor, Adithi., Močnik, Špela., & Yuen, Belinda. (2020). Meaning of age-friendly neighbourhood: An exploratory study with older adults and key informants in Singapore. Cities, 107, 102940.
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., & Zhang, Ye. (2020). Diversity of children’s independent mobility in Dhaka. Urbanisation4(2), 59-76.
  • Willems, Thijs., van Marrewijk, Alfons., Kuitert, Lizet., Volker, Leentje., & Hermans, Marleen. (2020). Practices of isolation: The shaping of project autonomy in innovation projects. International Journal of Project Management38(4), 215-228.
  • Ho, Soon Hoe., Tan, Dion Piu Sern., Tan, Pey June, Ng, Ka Wei, Lim, Zoe Zon Be., Ng, Isabel Hui Leng, Wong, Lok Hang., Ginting, Mimaika Luluina., Yuen, Belinda., Mallya, Jagadish., Chong, Mei Sian., & Wong, Chek Hooi. (2020). The development and validation of a prototype mobility tracker for assessing the life space mobility and activity participation of older adults. BMC Geriatrics, 20(251).
  • Wang, Yang. (2020). Parent-child role reversal in ICT domestication: Media brokering activities and emotional labours of Chinese ‘Study Mothers’ in Singapore. Journal of Children & Media, 14(3), 267-284.
  • Borzino, Natalia., Chng, Samuel., Mughal, Muhammad Omer., & Schubert, Renate. (2020). Willingness to pay for urban heat island effect mitigation in tropical countries: A case study of Singapore. Climate, 8(7), 8070082.
  • Chng, Samuel., & Cheah, Lynette. (2020). Understanding autonomous road public transport acceptance: A study of Singapore. Sustainability, 12(12), 4974.
  • Song, Siqi., Yap, Winston., Hou, Yuting., & Yuen, Belinda. (2020). Neighbourhood built environment, physical activity, and physical health among older adults in Singapore: A simultaneous equations approach. Journal of Transport and Health, 18, 100881.
  • Bauer, Gordon., Zheng, Cheng., GreenBlatt, Jeffery B., Shaheen, Susan., & Kammen, Daniel. (2020). On-demand automotive fleet electrification can catalyze global transportation decarbonization and smart urban mobility. Environ. Sci. Technol, 54(12), 7027-7033.
  • Lane, Anna., Hou, Yuting., Wong, Chek Hooi., & Yuen, Belinda. (2020). Cross-sectional associations of neighborhood third places with social health among community-dwelling older adults. Social Science & Medicine, 258, 113057.
  • Chatterjee, Kiron., Chng, Samuel., Clark, Ben., Davis, Adrian., De Vos, Jonas., Ettema, Dick., Handy, Susan., Martin, Adam., & Reardon, Louise. (2020). Commuting and wellbeing: A critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research. Transport Reviews, 40(1), 5-34.


  • Talami, Riccardo., & Jakubiec, Alstan. (2019). Sensitivity of design parameters on energy, system and comfort performances for radiant cooled office buildings in the tropics. Proceedings of the 16th IBPSA Conference, Rome, Italy, pp 1786 – 1993.
  • Zahraei, Seyed Mehdi., Kurniawan, Jude Herijadi., & Cheah, Lynette. (2019). A foresight study on urban mobility: Singapore in 2040. Foresight, 22(1), 37-52.
  • Richa, Shivakoti., Michael, Howlett., Victor, Fernandez., & Nair, Sreeja. (2019). Governing international regime complexes through multi-level governance mechanisms: lessons from water, forestry and migration policy. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37(4), 658-675.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2019). Polycentric urban form and non-work travel in Singapore: A focus on seniors. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 73, 245-275.
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Mathew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2019). To drive or not to drive? A qualitative comparison of car ownership and transport experiences in London and Singapore. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2, 100030.
  • Nair, Sreeja. (2019). Designing policy pilots under climate uncertainty: A conceptual framework for comparative analysis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(4), 344-359.
  • Willems, Thijs., & Graham, Connor. (2019). The imagination of Singapore’s smart nation as digital infrastructure: Rendering (digital) work invisible. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal13(4), 511-536.
  • Chen, Julienne., & Neo, Pearlyn. (2019). Texting the waters: An assessment of focus groups conducted via the WhatsApp smartphone messaging application. Methodological Innovations, 12(3).
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., & Zhang, Ye. (2019). A mixed methods research strategy to study children’s play and urban physical environments in Dhaka. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(3).
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Mathew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2019). Consideration of environmental factors in reflections on car purchases: Attitudinal, behavioural and socio-demographic predictors among a large UK sample. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 927-936.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2019). Moving towards age-inclusive public housing in Singapore. Urban Research and Practice, 12(1), 84-98.
  • Ong, Corinne., Fearnley, Lyle,. & Chia, Siow Boon. Towards a sustainable future: A holistic inquiry of waste management behaviors of Singapore households. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 26(7), 583-596.
  • Lane, Anna., Wong, Chek Hooi., Mocnik, Spela., Song, Siqi., & Yuen, Belinda. (2019). Association of neighborhood social capital with quality of life among older persons in Singapore. Journal of Aging and Health, 32(7-8).
  • Merkus, Sander., Willems, Thijs., & Veenswijk, Marcel. (2019). Strategy implementation as performative practice: Reshaping organization into alignment with strategy. Organization Management Journal, 16(3), 140-155.
  • Lane, Anna., & Yu, Freya. (2019). Person-centered attitudes mediate the association between dementia knowledge and help-giving intentions in Singapore. International Psychogeratrics, 32(3), 413-414.
  • Marakkalage, Sumudu Hasala., Sarica, Serhad., Lau, Billy Pik Lik., Viswanath, Sanjana Kadaba., Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu., Yuen, Chau., Yuen, Belinda, Luo, Jianxi., & Nayak, Richi. (2019). Understanding the lifestyle of older population: Mobile crowdsourcing approach. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 6(1), 82-95.
  • Nansai, Shunsuke., Onodera, Keichi., Veerajagadheswar, Prabakaran., Elara, Mohan Rajesh., & Iwase, Masami. (2019). Design and experiment of a novel façade cleaning robot with a biped mechanism. Applied Sciences, 8(12), 2398.


  • Patra, Selina., Chia, Siow Boon., Ong, Eng Shi., Fearnley, Lyle., & Kwan, Wei Lek. (2018). What goes in my bins: Understanding everyday waste management practices and overcoming the recycling challenge. in: CleanEnviro Summit Singapore 2018, Singapore.
  • Patra, Selina., Whaung, Shih Teen., & Ong, Eng Shi. (2018). Analytical methods for fast characterization of heavy metals and their leaching behaviour in incineration ash, Singapore. in: 3rd Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2018, Berlin, Germany.
  • Pow, CP., & Neo, Harvey. (2018). Environmental Governance and Citizenship Participation in Nanhing. Habitat International.
  • Tun, Thein Than., Elara, Mohan Rajesh., Kalimuthu, Manivannan., & Vengadesh, Ayyalusami. (2018). Glass facade cleaning robot with passive suction cups, driven by self-locking trapezoidal lead screw. Automation in Construction, 96, 180-188.
  • Kurniawan, Jude Herijadi., Ong, Corinne., & Cheah, Lynette. (2018). Examining values and influences affecting public expectations of future urban mobility: a Singapore case study. Transport Policy, 66, 66-75.
  • Chng, Samuel., Abraham, Charles., White, Mathew P., Hoffmann, Christin., & Skippon, Stephen. (2018). Psychological theories of car use: An integrative review and conceptual framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 55, 23-33.
  • Zhang, Yuanyuan., & Tan, Mei Chee. (2018). Programmable light-activated gradient materials based on graphene-polymer composites. Advanced Material Interfaces, 5(7), 1701374.


  • Patra, Selina., Whaung, Shih Teen., & Kwan, Wei Lek. (2017). Analysis of heavy metals in Incineration Bottom Ash in Singapore and potential impact of pre-sorting on ash quality. Energy Procedia, 143, 454–459.
  • Nansai, Shunsuke., Elara, Mohan Rajesh., Tun, Thein Than, Veerajagadheswar, Prabakaran., & Pathmakumar, Thejus. (2017). A novel nested reconfigurable approach for a glass façade cleaning robot. Inventions, 2(3), 18.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2017). Traffic congestion, accessibility to employment, and housing prices: A study of single-family housing market in Los Angeles County. Urban Studies, 54(15), 3423-3445.
  • Boarnet, Marlon., Giuliano, Genevieve., Hou, Yuting., & Shin, Eun Jin. (2017). First/last mile transit access as an equity planning issue. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 103, 296-310.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017). Commute decisions: The role of urban density, travel distance and public transport accessibility. Available at SSRN.
  • Chng, Samuel., & Sania, A. Sadiq. (2017). Adolescents’ subjective appraisals: Relationships with body image and dieting attempts. International Journal of School Health, 4(3), 1-9, e44761.


  • Nansai, Shunsuke., & Elara, Mohan Rajesh. (2016). A survey of wall climbing robots: Recent advances and challenges. Robotics, 5(3), 14.
  • Poon, King Wang., Chae, YoungJin., Balasubramanian, Gayathri., Yong, Aaron., & Tay, E. (2016). Lesson design map. Economics and Society 1 — Man and Environment, 26-31.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2016). Traffic congestion, polycentricity, and intrametropolitan firm location choices — A nested logit model for the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  Journal of Regional Science, 56(4), 683–716.
  • Maynard, Gary., & Ong, Corinne. (2016). Economic dependency and HIV/AIDS prevalence in the developing world: A comparative, longitudinal analysis. Sociological Inquiry, 86(2), 189-215.


  • Kim, Hyungkyoo. (2015). Walking distance, route choice, and activities while walking: A record of following pedestrians from transit stations in the San Francisco Bay area. Urban Design International, 20(2), 144-157.
  • Yuen, Belinda., & Seetharam, K. E. (2015). Building age-friendly cities in ageing Asian tigers. ISOCARP Review, 11, 202-217.



  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013). Challenges and opportunities of providing efficient urban services. Regional Development Dialogue, 34(2), 37-52.



  • Cheong Koon Hean. (2023). Cities In Crisis : Recalibrating Planning Priorities and Pathways. Published in ‘SIP 50 : Past, Present, Future (2023)’, a publication by the Singapore Institute of Planners.
  • Huang, Qian. & Xie, Xiujuan. (2023). Internationalization of higher education in Hong Kong: Opportunities and challenges in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, in Tran, L.T., Zou, X.P. and Ota, H. (2023) East and Southeast Asian Perspectives on the Internationalisation of Higher Education Policies, Practices and Prospects. DOI:
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., Yuen, Belinda., & Ho, Darren. (2023). Contested Active Mobility Infrastructure: Diversity of Uses and Experiences of Walkable Neighbourhoods in Singapore. In P R Messinger and K Habib (Ed) Reimagining Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-Pandemic World. Ethics Press.
  • Jacobs, Jane Margaret., & Yuen, Belinda. (2023). Edges and eddies: Learning to be a high-rise society in post-independence Singapore, 1960-1995. In T Haas (Ed) Women Reclaiming the City: International Research on Urbanism, Architecture, and Planning, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa., Kwan, Ashley., Teo, Angela., & Wang, Yi Wen. (2023). Back to the Future: Generational Perspectives on Urban Planning in Singapore, Knowledge Project of the Singapore Institute of Planners, 1, 1-28.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa. (2023). Interviewing Tan Cheng Siong. Knowledge Project of the Singapore Institute of Planners, 1, 11-15.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa. (2023). Interviewing Foo Chee See. Knowledge Project of the Singapore Institute of Planners, 1,  16-19.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa., & Teo, Angela. (2023). Commentary: What is a Good City? Knowledge Project of the Singapore Institute of Planners, 1, 20.
  • Chan, Felicity Hwee-Hwa. (2023). Commentary: What do Future-Ready Planners look like? Knowledge Project of the Singapore Institute of Planners, 1, 25-28.
  • Goh, Galvyn., & Poon, King Wang. (2023). A Task-Based Approach to Lifelong Learning, Well-Being, and Resilience in the Workplace of the Future. In: Lee, Wing On., Brown, Phillip., Goodwin, A. Lin., & Green, Andy. (Eds.) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2023). Singapore: Planning for healthy ageing. In Hu, Richard. (Ed) Routledge Handbook of Asian Cities. Routledge.
  • Poon, King Wang., Willems, Thijs., & Liu, William. (2023). The future of expertise: From stepwise domain upskilling to multifaceted mastery. In: Lee, Wing On., Brown, Phillip., Goodwin, A. Lin., & Green, Andy. (Eds.), International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.


  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed., Kabir, Saimum., & Hasan, Rashed. (2022). Water sensitive urbanism in Bengal Delta: Socio-spatial dialectics of ponds and waterbodies in Barisal. In M. Rahman (Ed.), Handbook of Waterfront Developments and Urbanism (pp.127-144). Routledge.
  • Rahman, Mahbubur., Bhuyan, Md Rashed., & Hasan, S.-A. (2022). Waterfront development, iconic architecture and global city aspiration in Asia: Hong Kong and Singapore. In M. Rahman (Ed.), Handbook of Waterfront Developments and Urbanism (pp.377-404). Routledge.
  • Yuen, Belinda., & Tan, Zining. (2022). Melbourne: A people-first design for liveable city. In Arturo Bris., Christo, Cabolis., Bruno, Lanvin., & Chan, Heng Chee. (Eds.) Cities in a time of global emergencies. IMD Publishing.
  • Nair, Sreeja., El-Taliawi, Ola G and Van der Wal, Zeger. (In press). Public Policy Education in the non-Western world: Changing Context and Content. In Anis B. Brik & Leslie A. Pal (Eds.) The Future of Policy Sciences, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2022). Helping Workers Weather Crisis and Disruption: A Task Approach for Designing a New Future of Work. The Next Digital Decade – Policy Approaches from Asia. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Digital Asia Hub, Germany.
  • Nair, Sreeja., Lim, Sun Sun., Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., & Wang, Yang. (2022). Preparing for workforce transformation in Singapore: The Role of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (59-85). In: The Next Digital Decade – Policy Approaches from Asia. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Digital Asia Hub, Germany.


  • Siew, William., Yuen, Belinda., Silva, Arlindo. (2021). Mobile Technologies for Ageing Population with Dementia in Singapore. In Chakrabarti, Amaresh., Poovaiah, Ravi., Bokil, Prasad., Kant, Vivek. (eds) Design for Tomorrow—Volume 2. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Series 222. Springer, pp 841-852
  • Huang, Felicia., Lim, Kelly., Sidhi, Evan., and Yuen, Belinda. (2021). Sensing Community Resilience using Social Media. In Abbas Rajabifard, Daniel Paez and Greg Foliente (Eds.) COVID-19 Pandemic, Geospatial Information, and Community Resilience: Global Applications and Lessons, CRC Press.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2021). Neighbourhoods for an ageing population in Singapore. In Robyn Bartel and Jennifer Carter (Ed.)  Handbook on Space, Place and Law, Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2021). Moving towards age-inclusive public housing in Singapore in Sasha Tsenkova (Ed.) Transforming Social Housing: International Perspectives, London and New York, Routledge
  • Remy, Sylvain., Kolokotsa, Julie., Ondrus, Jan., Yassine El Ouarzazi, & Glady, Nicolas. (2021). Purposeful Ecosystem Orchestration. In Mayer, Colin & Roche, Bruno (Eds.), Putting Purpose into Practice: The Economics of Mutuality. Oxford University Press.


  • Chng, Samuel.  & Borzino, Natalia. (2020). Predictors of Environmental Behaviour: The Role of Value Orientations, Environmental Concern and Beliefs in Singapore. In: E. Quah & R. Schubert (Eds.), Sustainability and Environmental Decision Making. Sustainable Development (pp. 1-22). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-6093-4_14-1
  • Nair, Sreeja. (2020). Addressing uncertainty and ambiguity in policymaking: advancements and dilemmas. A Modern Guide to Public Policy, 58-77. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Chen, Juliene. & Poorthuis, Ate. (2020). Singapore: A whole-of-government approach to the pandemic. Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives (pp. 240-247). Meatspace Press.
  • Neo, Harvey. (2020). The Post-politics of Environmentalism in Singapore in Jobin, P (Ed.) Environmental Movement in Southeast Asia. ISEAS, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda., Močnik, Špela., Yu, Freya & Yap, Winston. (2020). State of Ageing-Friendly City in Singapore. In Ageing-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Singapore, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America (pp. 1-23). Springer.


  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed. (2019). Architecture for special needs: Sensing the needs. In Islam, Mohammad Zakinul & Kabir, Saimum (Eds.) Aspirations and Ideas: Designing with Context. Dhaka: University Press Limited, Dhaka.
  • Lane, Anna. (2019). Introduction in Lane, Anna (Ed.) Urban Environments for Healthy Ageing: A Global Perspective. Routledge.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2019). Adapting public housing to age in place in Singapore in Lane, Anna (Ed.) Urban Environments for Healthy Ageing: A Global Perspective. Routledge.
  • Hou, Yuting., Moogoor, Adithi. (2019). Spatial analysis of older adults’ travel behaviour in Singapore in Lane, Anna (Ed.) Urban Environments for Healthy Ageing: A Global Perspective. Routledge.
  • Powers, John Clancy. (2019). Singapore’s Economic Development: The Dilemma of Managing Success in Yuen, Belinda & Hamnett, Stephen (Eds.) Planning Singapore: The Experimental City. Routledge.
  • Ong, Corinne., Fearnley, Lyle., Chia, Siow Boon & Quek, Ri An. (2019). Recycling Water and Waste in Singapore in Yuen, Belinda & Hamnett, Stephen (Eds.) Planning Singapore: The Experimental City. Routledge.
  • Haridas, Gayathri. (2019). Bengaluru: People and the City, A Smart Symbiosis in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds.) Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future. IMD International.
  • Kumar, Sree. (2019). Jakarta: The City in a Hurry, Adopting Smart Technologies in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds.) Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future. IMD International.
  • Kumar, Sree. (2019). Kuala Lumpur: Complexity in Administration, Smart Solutions in the City in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds.) Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future. IMD International.
  • Kumar, Sree. (2019). Singapore: Transcending Limits, Innovation and Smart Governance in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds.) Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future. IMD International.
  • Neo, Harvey. (2019). Chongqing: Propelling the “Smart” Wave in Southwest China in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds.) Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future. IMD International.
  • Neo, Harvey. (2019). Seoul: Citizen-centric Seoul Grows from Strength to Strength in Bris, Arturo., Cabolis, Christos., Chan, Heng Chee & Lanvin, Bruno (Eds), Sixteen Shades of Smart: How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future, IMD International.
  • Van den Ende, Leonore., Willems, Thijs., and Van Marrewijk, Alfons. (2019). Sociomateriality and the physical environment. In Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (Eds.) Organizational Behavior and the Physical Environment. Routledge.


  • Lane, Anna. (2018). Exploring Neighbourhood Social Capital in Yuen, Belinda (Ed.) Understanding the Changing Needs of Singapore’s Older Population. Springer.
  • Poon, King Wang., Lim, Wee Kiat. (2018).  Towards a Smart Nation – It’s About People, Ultimately, Living in Smart Cities Innovation and Sustainability. Singapore: World Scientific.


  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2017). The Future of Cities. Forming/Unforming. Singapore: Singapore University of Technology and Design. 217-239.


  • Yuen, Belinda & Kumssa, Asfaw. (2016). Transition towards sustainable urbanisation in Asia and Africa. In Brauch, Hans Gunter et al (Eds.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. London: Springer.


  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013). Migration and slums in urban Asia. In Chatterjee, Shiladitya (Ed.), Ending Asian Deprivations: Compulsions for a Fair, Prosperous and Equitable Asia (pp. 220-237). London: Routledge.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013). Urban regeneration in Asia: Mega projects and heritage conservation. In Leary, Michael E & McCarthy, John (Eds.), Handbook on Urban Regeneration (pp. 127-137). London: Routledge.



  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel. & Li, Bayi. (2023). Trends, Jobs and Skills in Sustainability. Report for National Trade Union Congress.
  • Chng, Samuel., Choi, Yunkyung., Cheah, Lynette., Tan, Ariel. & Nio, Cheryl.(2023). Future-ready Public Transport System. Report for the Public Transport Council and Ministry of Transport.


  • Chan, Heng Chee., & Martinez, Rafael. (2022). Caring for vulnerable urban populations in UN Habitat, Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose & LSE Cities (Eds.) Case Study Report – Council on Urban Initiatives. LSE Cities, London.


  • Chng, Samuel., Yang, Wang., Trennery, Brigid., Oh, Peng Ho. & Lim, Sun Sun. (2021). Organising workers through digital means. Singapore: National Trades Union Congress.




  • Cheah, Lynette & Chng, Samuel. (2018). Perceptions and planning for future transportation technologies. Report for the Public Transport Council.


  • Lane, Anna. (2017). Social capital report. Lee Li Ming Programme on Ageing Urbanism, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design.


  • Kato, Yohei., Yuen, Belinda. (2024, December). The Role of Outdoor Recreation Space in Fostering Social Interactions: Insights from a mixed-method ethnographic study in Singapore. 9th annual conference of ICRHS (International Conference of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences).
  • Cheong Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). Keynote Speaker on “ Healthy Urbanism: Designing Cities for Better Health and Well-Being”, at the joint Asia Pacific Population Health Conference 2024 and the Asia Pacific Social Prescribing Conference 2024 organized by Singhealth (Singapore Health Services).
  • Cheong Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). Invited to present a Statement at the High-Level Opening on the Multilevel Climate Action of the Ministerial Meeting on Urbanisation and Climate Change, organised by the COP29 Presidency, the UN-Habitat, the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SCUPA) and the UN Climate Change High Champion; at Baku Azerbaijan.
  • Cheong Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). “Building A Liveable and Resilient Singapore”, Opening Keynote Address at the Singapore Pavilion Cities Day organised by the Centre for Liveable Cities (Ministry of National Development) at COP29, Baku Azerbaijan.
  • Koh, Zann., Ng, Benny Kai Kiat., Joyce., Sam Conrad., Yuen, Belinda., & Yuen, Chau. (2024, Nov). Understanding Park Visitors Mobility via Passive Wi-Fi Sensing and Data Mining.  ACM MobiArch 2024.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). Presented the Keynote Address on “Urban Horizons : The Next Chapter” at the World Architecture Festival 2024 held in Singapore. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). Presented a talk on “The Future of HDB Living” at the PAP Policy Forum on “Public Housing and Our Singapore Social Compact”, organised by PAP, Singapore. (Invited speaker and panellist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Nov). Presented a talk on “The Critical Role of Good Governance in Managing Urban Change” at the Senior Fellowship in Public Service Programme organised by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS. (Invited Speaker)
  • Chan, Felicity. (2024, Aug). International Conference on Resilient Systems –Archetypes as a tool for Supporting Community Resilience. (Moderator).
  • Chng, Samuel. (2024, Aug). Urban Heat Resilience in Singapore – Opportunities and Challenges for Citizens. Paper presented at the International Conference on Resilient Systems, 2024.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Aug). Presentation on “Trending Urban Shifts”. KTAP (Keppel Technical Advisory Panel) 2024 Conference, organised by Keppel Corporation, Singapore (Invited Speaker).
  • Wong, Sarah., Liu, Xiaohan., Du, Yuting., Bou, Dolphie., Chng, Samuel., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jul). Assessing Urban Streetscape Features Using Street View Imagery: The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Paper presented at The International Conference: Resilience by Technology and Design 2024.
  • Liu, Xiaohan., Wong, Sarah., Bou, Dolphie., Du, Yuting., Chng, Samuel., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jul). Exploring the Dynamics of Urban Mobility Pattern Using GPS Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Paper presented at The International Conference: Resilience by Technology and Design 2024.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2024, Jul). “The World Is A Decagon: What Do We Do Now?” 2024 History Symposium organised by Humanities Branch in Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore. (Keynote speaker and plenary panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Jul). Keynote Public Lecture on “The Living Lab : Innovating for Density and Scarcity”. NUSCities Seminar, National University of Singapore.
  • Jensen, Olivia., Trinh, Tra. Thi., Chng, Yee. Siang., Li, Yunjing., Chng, Samuel., Leong, Chi. Hoong., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jun). The Prospect of Collective Climate Action: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Expectations of Net Zero Amongst Singapore’s Citizenry. Paper presented at World Cities Summit, Science of Cities Symposium.
  • Willems, Thijs., Huang, Qian., Kaur, Ameek., & Poon, King Wang. (2024, Jun). Embracing Failure in Engineering Education: A Comparative Study of Design Thinking Approaches. 20th International CDIO Conference. Organised by CDIO. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Felicity H.H. & Ng, Chloe S.Y. (2024, Jun). Mapping Urban Belonging in Places of Flux. World Cities Summit 2024, organized by Centre of Liveable Cities Singapore, Singapore. (Invited Speaker and Panelist)
  • Chan, Francine., & Yuen, Belinda. (2024, Jun). Outdoor Recreation Space: Accessibility and Aspects of Creating Urban Resilience, Architecture Media Politics Society Livable Cities. London Conference 2024.
  • Kato, Yohei., & Yuen, Belinda. (2024, Jun). Outdoor Recreation Space and Wellbeing in Singapore: A Socio-Temporal Perspective. 55th annual conference of EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association).
  • Kato, Yohei. (2024, Jun). Examining Community Engagement through Network Analysis: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Placekeeping Initiative in Japan. 55th annual conference of EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association).
  • Prisse, Benjamin. (2024, May). Trust in Artificial Intelligence. ESA Asia-Pacific Meeting, organised by School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. (Speaker)
  • Suhaila, Zainal. Shah., Chng, Samuel., Chan, Sarah., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, May). Exploring Psychosocial Differences Underlying Divergent Public Priorities across Societal, Technological, Economical, Environmental, and Political Issues. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Chan, Sarah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2024, May). A Comprehensive Investigation of Psycho-Social Barriers to Environmentally Sustainable Heat Coping Action in the Tropics. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Chng, Samuel., Suhaila, Zainal. Shah., Chan, Sarah., Low, Weijian. & Chua, Breanne. (2024, May). Randomised Trial of a Gamified Inoculation Intervention to Reduce Susceptibility to Scams. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Wang, Jiaxuan. &  Yuen, Belinda. (2024, May). Rewarding Cities Innovation and Transformation in Urban Sustainability. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Tokyo.
  • Li, Yunjing. & Lin, George C.S. (2024, Apr). Reinventing Vertical Urbanism: Elevators as Resilient Infrastructure. Paper presented at Urban Affairs Association 52nd Annual Conference.
  • Chan, Felicity H.H. and Ng, Chloe S.Y. (2024, Apr). “What time is this place? Mapping Urban Belonging in Places of Flux. 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs organized by Urban Affairs Association, New York City. (Speaker and Moderator)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Mar). Keynote Speaker on “Transformational Leadership : The Art of Changing the Wheels of a Moving Bus” at the Singhealth’s Academic Hour – Distinguished Leaders Series 2024. Organised by the Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre, Singapore.
  • Wong, Yi. Jie., Poh, Ruth., Koh, Lip. Wee., Xin, Yang. & Samuel, Chng. (2024, Jan). Overcoming Barriers by Businesses to Road Pedestrianisation in Singapore. Paper presented at the 103rd Transport Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2024, Jan). Keynote Presentation on ‘‘Pathways to Net-Zero : Integration and Collaboration for Success” at the 18th AGBRP International Conference (4-6 Jan 2024). Jointly organised by the University of Newcastle (Australia)/Newcastle Institute of Higher Education and the Academy of Global Business Research and Practice (AGBRP), Singapore. (Keynote)


  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Dec). Interconnected Futures: Bridging the Climate Knowledge-Action Gap. Singapore Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore. (Keynote)
  • Yang, Xin., Yuen, Belinda., Ng, Yee Sien. & Lin, Sapphire Huili. (2023, Dec). The Built Environment, Health, and Social Determinants of Older Adults’ Walking Patterns in Singapore. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Cambridge, UK.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Dec). ‘Thimphu Structure Plan’ organised by Bhutan at COP 28 Dubai. (Invited panellist to discuss the new Structure Plan for Thimphu)
  • Huang, Qian., Kaur, Ameek, Samarakoon, Bhagya., Willems, Thijs., Poon, King Wang., & Elara, Mohan Rajesh. (2023, Nov-Dec). A pedagogical approach of “Learning from Failure” for engineering students: observation and reflection on a Robotics Competition (RoboRoarZ-Edition 2), IEEE Teaching, Assessment, Learning for Engineering (Hybrid). New Zealand (Speaker)
  • Huang, Qian. (2023, Nov). University-to-Work Transition of Chinese Engineering Doctoral Students after Studying in the U.S., ERAS-WERA International Conference 2023.  Singapore (Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Nov). Designing for the public adoption of AAM – Insights from autonomous mobility. Invited talk at the EU-Asia Symposium on UAS/UAM 2023. (Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Oct). The Green Shift: Green Minds. Four Conversations 2023 organised by the National Library Board, Singapore. (Panelist)
  • Huang, Qian. & Wang, Qiyun. (2023, Oct). How Metaverse Applied in Education: A Systematic Review. From Good to Great, organised by Nanyang Technological University Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Sep). We Lead the Way: The Human Side to a Car-Lite Singapore. Invited talk for International Car-free Day organised by the Land Transport Authority, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Sep). How Can Mayors Facilitate and Promote Innovation and Creativity. Keynote Remarks presented at the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2023 jointly organised by the Centre for Liveable Cities (Ministry for National Development, Singapore) and the Seoul Metropolitan Government in Seoul, South Korea.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2023, Sep). The Internet, Social Media and Online Harms : Global Solutions for a Vital Issue, presented at the Online Harms Symposium, organised by Singapore Management University with Ministry of Law, Singapore (Moderator).
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Sep). Crafting Pleasant, Delightful and Distinctive Cities, presented at the Urban Design Conference on ‘Urban Design: How do we shape great cities?’ Organised by the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore (Invited Keynote Speaker).
  • Martinez, Rafael. (2023, Sep). Work and health in the city: Navigating precarity among women urban workers in Jakarta. 13th Annual Conference in Political Economy: The Chronicles of Multiple Crises Foretold. Organized by International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. (Panellist).
  • Cai, Yanjun. (2023, Aug). Resilient Placemaking through Urban Stream Restoration in Guangzhou, China. The 2023 Lien International Conference on Good Governance, organised by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (Speaker and panel chair)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2023, Aug). Monsters at the Door on “Ways of Seeing – Narratives amidst Uncertainty”, organised by Centre for Strategic Futures, Singapore. (Moderator)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Aug). Everything Everywhere All at Once on “Ways of Seeing – Narratives amidst Uncertainty”, organised by Centre for Strategic Futures, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Aug). Women Leaders Conversation on “Leadership in a Rapidly Changing World”. Organised by Council for Board Diversity, Singapore. (Invited Panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Aug). City Metamorphosis : Urban Innovations Shaping Singapore. Public Lecture jointly organised by the Institute of Urban Design and Demographic Studies (IUDS) – Shanghai Academy of Social Science (SASS) and the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD) (Shanghai Branch) at the Shanghai Expo Centre, China. (Invited speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2023, Aug). The Small State in a Turbulent World. Reinventing Destiny — A Conference on the Occasion of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s 100th Birth Anniversary, organized by Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. (Invited speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Aug). Governance of a City-State. Reinventing Destiny — A Conference on the Occasion of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s 100th Birth Anniversary, organized by Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. (Invited speaker)
  • Cai, Yanjun. (2023, Jul). Resistance and Resilience Towards Sustainability: Rethinking Development and Humanitarianism in Southeast Asia. The 3rd Tsinghua Area Studies Forum, organized by Tsinghua University, China. (Invited speaker)
  • Prissé, Benjamin. (2023, Jun). The adventure of running experiments with teenagers. Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and International Association for Research in Economic Psychology Conference 2023 (SABE-IAREP 2023), organized by Université Côte d’Azur, France. (Speaker)
  • Prissé, Benjamin. (2023, Jun). The adventure of running experiments with teenagers. Economic Science Association World Meeting 2023, organized by Université de Lyon, France. (Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, May). Planning and Housing Affordability Framework, Singapore-UN Habitat International Leaders in Urban Governance Programme, organized by the Centre for Liveable Cities (MND), Singapore. (Keynote speaker)
  • Liu Yingxin. & Huang, Qian. (2023, Apr). Career decision of returned early career academics at non-elite universities in China, The 9th HERA Conference, Japan. (Speaker)
  • Cai, Yanjun. (2023, Mar). Invisibility, Silence, and Resistance for Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia. Association of American Geographers 2023 Annual Meeting. (Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2023, Mar). Smart City Day. The 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Singapore. (Chair, Panel Session)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Mar). Pathways to Affordable Housing. Urban Land Institute, ULI Asia Pacific Housing Forum 2023, Manila, Philippines. (Keynote speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2023, Jan). The Future of Asian and Pacific Urban Centres. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, World Built Environment Forum 2023, London, United Kingdom. (Panel Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2023, Jan). Singapore Perspectives 2023 “Work” — Resilience@Work. Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. Youtube
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2023, Jan). “Should Scientists comment on diplomacy and society?” Global Young Scientists Summit, National Research Foundation, Singapore. (Panelists)


  • Chng, Samuel. (2022, Dec). Cities, Complexity, Psychology. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology, Singapore. (Keynote Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Nov). “Making Urban Innovations a Transformative Force in Our City” presented at the DSTA Innovation Day 2022; organised by Defence Science and Technology Agency, Singapore.  (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2022, Nov). “The Future of Sustainable Cities: 5G and Technology Enablers” organised by SGInnovate and Singtel FutureNow Innovation Centre. (Moderator)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Nov). “How US sees China” organised by Keppel Group China Workshop, Keppel Corporation Limited. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Oct). Keynote lecture titled “Why America Needs an Ezra Vogel for Southeast Asia” at the conference “Navigating Asia: Interdisciplinary Conversations in Honor of Ezra Vogel” at Harvard University, organised by Harvard University Asia Center, Cambridge. (Keynote Speaker) Youtube
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Oct). “Leading Change : The Transformation Of HDB”, invited as a guest speaker by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Oct). Panel Discussion “Ukraine-The Aftermath” organised by 19th Temasek International Panel. (Moderator)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Oct). “Singapore the City of Innovations” presented at the AmCham Women Pioneer Series, organised by the American Chamber of Commerce Singapore. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Oct). Guest speaker at the ASEAN Sustainable Leadership in Infrastructure Programme (ASLIP) Course, segment on “Resilience & Future Proofing Urban Habitats”; organised by the British Council and Jason Pomeroy Academy.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2022, Oct). Urban Transformation and Socio-economic Changes in Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Ponlok Chomnes National Policy Forum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Invited Panelist)
  • Chng, Samuel., Kawasumi, Mikiko., Adib, Mohd. Ahda., Mangla, Chavi. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Oct). Evaluating the Use of Graphic Symbols in Autonomous Vehicle-To-Pedestrian Communication. Paper presented at the 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Trenerry, Brigid., Lim, Sun Sun. (2022, Aug). Exploring the Gendered Burden of Unpaid Care Work in Times of Digitalization and COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association (ASA) 117th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, August 5-9 2022.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Aug). Keynote Lecture “Singapore’s Action Plan for Tackling Issues Presented by an Aging Population: The Actors and Actions” organsied by National Academy of Medicine. (Speaker) Event
  • Miller, Kristi., Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Aug). Understanding acceptance of shared autonomous vehicles among people with different mobility and communication needs. Paper presented at the Bridging Transport Researchers 2022.
  • Chng, Samuel., Plananska, Jana. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Aug). Comparison of travel attitude study methods using online tools: The case of understanding public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Paper presented at the Bridging Transport Researchers 2022.
  • Mustafa, Norazrina Muhammad., Willems, Thijs., & Chea, Sin-Moh. C (2022, Jul). Rethinking engineering internships in times of disruptions. 18th CDIO International Conference Proceedings.
  • Willems, Thijs., & Chia, Robert. (2022, July). Enacting Extreme Contexts into Being: An Embodied and Processual Reconceptualization of ‘Breakdown’. Paper presented at the 2022 European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium.
  • Mustafa, Norazrina., Willems, Thijs., & Chea, Sin Moh. (2022, June). Rethinking Engineering Internships in Times of Disruption. Paper presented at the 2022 18th International CDIO Conference.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Jun). Public panel discussion on “China and the US: Prospects for Responsible Great Power Competition?” organised by The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Martinez, Rafael. (2022, Jun). Pláticas Veritas on “El futuro de lo urbano en el Sureste de Asia” (The future of urban Southeast Asia) organised by Universidad Veritas, Costa Rica. (Invited panelist)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Jun). “Macro Trends: A holistic discussion on world affairs and the impact of businesses today” organised by Google Marketing Live, APAC Leadership Circle. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Jun). The Council on Urban Initiatives “Shaping Equitable Urban Futures. (Critic) Forum
  • Martinez, Rafael. (2022, May). Environmental Perspectives, Livability and Sustainability in Jakarta webinar on “Experimental approaches and Methodologies in Urban Settings” organized by Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia. (Invited speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, May). Fireside Chat “How the new geopolitics is changing the economics for business in Asia Pacific”, organised by Urban Land Institute Asia Pacific. (Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, May). 4th International Conference on Technology and Design (ICTD) on Stretching Sustainability with Smart Support, organised by SUTD and Zhejiang University. (Invited speaker and panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Apr). Future Cities Americas on City Innovation Case Study: Singapore’s Transformation Story: The City of Innovations, organized by the Financial Times. (Invited speaker)
  • Martinez, Rafael. (2022, Apr). Center for Human Resources Research and Training Talks 2022 onUrban Identities and Transience in Modern Jakarta”, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Vietnam National University. (Invited speaker)
  • Martinez, Rafael. (2022, Apr). Anderson Secondary School Humanities Week 2022 on “Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) change our lives for the better or for the worse?” organised by the Anderson Secondary School. (Invited panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Mar). Kone Experience 2022 Global Event on “Smart and Sustainable Cities: The Way Forward”, organised by Kone.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Feb). IPS-Nathan Lectures by Mr Patrick Daniel — Lecture I: “The Singapore Media’s Long and Winding Road: 1824 to 2022”, organised by Institute of Policy Studies, National University of Singapore. (Moderator) Youtube
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Feb). IES Charles Rudd Distinguished Public Lectures 2022 on “Are We Serious about Sustainability ? Integrated Action towards Climate Compatible Development” organised by The Institution of Engineers and the World Federation of Engineering Organisations. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022,Feb). E-Launch and Discussion of “The State of Southeast Asia: 2022” Survey, organised by The ASEAN Studies Centre at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. (Discussants) Youtube
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Jan). “Sustainable Urbanisation and the Covid Legacy”, World Built Environment Forum in Dubai on 24 Jan 2022. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Jan). Panel Discussion “Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Governance”, organised by The Global Young Scientists Summit. (Moderator) Youtube
  • Bala, Haimanti., Anowar, Sabreena. & Chng, Samuel. (2022, Jan). Enthusiasts to Pessimists: Profiling Potential Autonomous Transit Users in Singapore. Paper presented at the 101st Transport Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2022, Jan). Singapore Perspectives (SP) 2022 :”City :who owns“. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2022, Jan). Singapore Perspectives (SP) 2022 “City” : Pre-Conference Session Cities, Civilisations and Geopolitics: In Conversation with George Yeo and Liu Thai Ker. (Moderator)


  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Dec). IPS-Nathan Lectures by Dr Noeleen Heyzer — Lecture III: “Securing Our Future: A Renewed Multilateralism”. (Moderator) Lecture
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed. (2021, Dec). Contested active mobility infrastructure: Diversity of uses and experiences of walkable neighbourhoods in Singapore, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments in the Post-Pandemic World, organised by the University of Alberta, Canada. (Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2021, Dec). Euro-Asia Dialogue: Collaborative Advantage over Ideological Differences, organised by Future City Summit, Good City Foundation. (Speaker) Youtube
  • Chng, Samuel. (2021, Nov). Environmental considerations in car purchases. Tackling the climate crisis: A data dive, organised by Understanding Society, the UK Data Service and The Young Foundation. (Invited Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Nov). “Ensuring Affordable and Inclusive Housing : The Singapore Experience”, Conference on “New Agenda for Housing and Urban Finance in a Post-Pandemic Era”, International Forum on Housing and Urban Finance (IFHUF), hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of the Republic of Korea in Seoul. (Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Nov). Discussant on “Future of Infrastructure : Shaping Asia’s Infrastructure Focus”, organised by Infrastructure Asia and ASEAN Secretariat.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Nov). Bloomberg New Economy Forum “Reimagining the Urban Environment”. (Panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Oct). “Singapore’s Living Ambition : Tengah Forest Town”, WRLDCTY 2021 organised by Resonance Co, Keynote Speaker
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Oct). 22nd Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior Military Officers (APPSMO), organised by RSIS -The Evolving Security Environment in the Asia-Pacific and its Challenges titled “Singapore in Transition”. (Distinguished Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Sept). Planning for a Rainy Day. World Cities Summit 2021 organised by Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore. (Invited, Panel Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Sept). Four Pillars in Research and Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2025. Singaporean Researchers Global Summit (SRGS) 2021, organised by NTU and RIE. (Invited, Panel Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Sept). Smart Cities of the Future. International Built Environment Conference 2021 (IBEW 2021) organised by BCA. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Sept). Invitation to speak on Yale-NUS panel on “US China Relations”. (Panelist)
  • Joyce, Sam., Ibrahim, Nazim. (2021, Sep). Limits to applied ML in planning and architecture : Understanding and defining extents and capabilities. Paper presented at the 39th Conference of the eCAADe – Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2021, Jul). Strategies for Addressing the Asia-Pacific Digital Divide. Financial Times and Huawei summit. (Speaker)
  • Miyagawa, Shimpei., & Willems, Thijs. (2021, July). Ethnography of Saké-Making in a Traditional Japanese Saké Brewery. Paper presented at the 2021 European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium.
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jul). The Tipping Point: Infrastructure in a Climate Change Era. Credit Suisse’s Global Supertrends Conference. (Invited, Panel Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jul). Planning for Resilient and Sustainable Cities after Covid-19.  BuildBackBetter : “An Urban Perspective” Conference of American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA), Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) and Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), hosted by NUS Department of Real Estate and Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies (IREUS). (Invited, Panel Speaker)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jul). The pathway to smart nationhood. Financial Times virtual event. (Keynote Interviewee)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jul). How Do Cities Transform Successfully. Moscow Urban Forum, organised by City of Moscow. (Invited, Keynote Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. & Hou, Yuting. (2021, Jul). Keeping public transport attractive in post-Covid-19 cities. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual University Transport Study Group Conference.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Borzino, Natalia. (2021, Jul). Relationships between environmental attitude and willingness to pay for Urban Heat Island mitigation. Paper presented at The 32th International Congress of Psychology.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2021, Jul). How We Consider Future Consequences Affects our Optimism During Digital Transformation. Paper presented at The 32th International Congress of Psychology.
  • Oh, Peng Ho, Trenerry, Brigid., Nair, Sreeja., Chng, Samuel., Lim, Sun Sun., & Araral, Eduardo. (2021, Jul.). Job Seekers’ Learning Attitudes in the face of Digital Disruptions and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating an Upskilling Programme in Singapore. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, Virtual Conference, International Labour Office Geneva, Switzerland.  
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jun). Affordable Housing – Lessons From Singapore and Los Angeles. ASSC U.S.-Asia Real Estate Initiative (USAREI). (Panelist)
  • Cheong, Koon Hean. (2021, Jun). Tech-Led Communes. Nanjing Tech Week, organised by CBNC. (Invited, Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jun). Facing the Future with Confidence: “How cities can take the lead in responding to pandemics, climate, social and technological changes“. World Cities Summit 2021. (Moderator)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jun). “Supporting our high streets after COVID-19”, UK Parliament House of Commons. (Invited, Witness)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jun). AmCham Women Pioneers Series. (Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2021, May). Designing Future Education and Work. NIE Office of Education Research. (Speaker)
  • Trenerry, Brigid., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2021, May). Enhancing Smart Citizenship and Digital Transformation in a Post COVID-19 World: Opportunities And Challenges For Singapore. Paper presented at the Smart Citizenship in and Beyond Singapore, Singapore Research Nexus, NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Singapore.
  • Yang, Wang., Chng, Samuel.,  Trenerry, Brigid., Shah, Suhaila Binte Zainal. & Lim, Sun Sun. (2021, May). Changing workplace communication with Mobile Technologies: A Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management System in a Construction Company. Paper presented at 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Apr). COVID-19 and Political Systems – Insights and Lessons One Year In. Robert Bosch Academy & Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (Panelist)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Apr). Singapore’s Foreign Policy and Diplomacy. IPS Workshop on Governance of a City-State: Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Apr). American Democracy from Indo-Pacific. Mansfield Foundation Roundtable. (Panelist)
  • Nair, Sreeja., Lim, Sun Sun., Trenerry, Brigid, Chng, Samuel and Wang, Yang. (2021, Feb). Preparing for workforce transformation in Singapore: The role of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The Australasian Public Policy Network Conference.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2021, Mar). Staying Relevant in the Digital Age. AMP Singapore, Centre for Research on Islamic and Malay Affairs. (Speaker) Video
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jan). The Values and Qualities of Leadership. IPS Singapore Perspectives Conference 2021. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jan). Implications for Asia. Geopolitical Reset 2021. (Panelist)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jan). Biomedical Ethics – The Corona Pandemic and Beyond. 9th edition of the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2021. (Moderator)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2021, Jan). Big Trends Shaping the World Today: Economics, Technology and Geopolitics. PCMA Convening Leaders. (Speaker)


  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Dec). Building Sustainable Cities with Technology and Design. Plan.AI Webinar.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2020, Dec). Spatial analysis of agglomeration and innovation in China’s ICT manufacturing industry: Evidence from cities in 5 coastal metropolitan regions. Paper presented at The 14th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference: Urban Innovations in the New Planning Context.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Nov). How Smart Cities in Small Nations are Shaping the Future of the World. S8 Nations, Smart City Webinar. (Panelist)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Nov). Redefining the Finance Function with Job Redesign. PAIB Virtual Conference 2020.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Nov). The “Hybrid Competencies” Lecture. Special edition of the Singapore MICE Forum and MICE Connect.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Oct). Urbanization Panel. Springer Nature and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network: Science for a Sustainable Future, Global Virtual Conference. (Panelist)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Oct). The Winding Road towards Recovery: Focusing on Skills Security. Labour Research Conference 2020. (Panelist)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Oct). Future of Work. Thailand Smart Cities Week. (Panelist)
  • Lim, Sun Sun., Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel, Wang, Yang., Zainal Shah. Suhaila., Lu, Han Yu., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2020, Oct). Mindset, motivation and mentoring: Supporting workers through digital disruptions. Panel Session at the NTUC Labour Research Conference Workers’ Matters: Finding ways to brave the roads ahead, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2020, Sep). Designing ageing-friendly cities. Design Singapore Good Design Research Talk, Singapore. (Invited)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2020, Sep). Understanding citizen’s aspirations for their cities’ mobility and its relationship with acceptance of autonomous vehicles: A case of Singapore. Paper presented at The 8th World Sustainability Forum.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Sep). The future of road public transit: Autonomous and accepted? Paper presented at The 8th World Sustainability Forum.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Sep). Shaping the Economy and the Workforce in the Post Pandemic World with AI. AI Summit Singapore, Panel Discussion. (Panelist)
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Sep). Reimagining the Future: Singapore’s Smart Nation Approach. AI Summit Singapore Main Conference.
  • Poon, King Wang. (2020, Sep). Helping Workers Weather Crisis and Disruption: A Task Approach for the Future of Work. Creative Bureaucracy Festival.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Sep). Can technology protect citizens’ wellbeing in a pandemic world? IMD-SUTD Smart Cities Webinar. (Moderator)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Sep). From Brown to Progressive Shades of Green: Has the Pandemic Advanced the Sustainability Agenda? Singapore Virtual Summit. (Moderator)
  • Haridas, Gayathri. & Hakim Norhashim, Norakmal. (2020, Aug). Algo-governance and Future-making: Unravelling Responsible Design. Society for Social Studies for Science (4S) Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Aug). Understanding Acceptance of Autonomous Road Public Transport in Singapore. Paper presented at The Second Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Jul). Singapore in a Time of Flux: Optimism from the Jaws of Gloom. IPS-Nathan Lecture Series III. Virtual Presentation.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Jul). The US-China Rivalry: Inevitable War or Avoidable War. IPS-Nathan Lecture Series II. Virtual Presentation.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Jun). Disruption. Democracy Falters. Capitalism Flounders. World Order Unravels. IPS-Nathan Lecture Series I. Virtual Presentation.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2020, Jun). Implication of latest climate emergency data for the financial industry. SUTD-IDC/IBF virtual event, Singapore. (Keynote Speaker)
  • Zheng, Andy. (2020, Feb). Digitalize and electrify city’s fleets: Towards a smart low-carbon and sustainable future mobility. Stanford Bits & Watts EV 50.
  • Jacobs, Jane Margaret and Yuen, Belinda. (2020, Feb). Edges and Eddies: Learning to be high-rise in post-independence Singapore. 2020 Australasian Urban History Planning History Conference, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia.
  • Bauer, Gordon., Zheng, Andy., Shaheen, Susan & Kammen, Daniel M. (2020, Jan). Leveraging Big Data and Charging Coordination for Effective Taxi Fleet Electrification: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China. Transportation Research Board 2020 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA
  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Jan). Preferences for Autonomous Public Transit Vehicles: Insights from A Survey and A Public Engagement Event in Singapore. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA.


  • Chng, Samuel. (2019, Dec). Human-robot collaboration. Port Security and Modernisation, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2019, Nov). Innovative planning and design of age-friendly neighbourhoods in Singapore. URA Urban Lab Speaker Series: Designing Our Age-friendly City, Singapore. (Invited)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Nov). U.S.-China Politics and Geoeconomics. Ripples & Swell Conference, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2019, Oct). Planning for population ageing in Singapore.  Value of Planning Symposium, University of Melbourne, Australia. (Invited)
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2019, Oct). Public acceptance of autonomous road public transport in Singapore. Paper presented at 26th ITS World Congress, Singapore.
  • Irna Nurlina. (2019, Oct). From ‘transit’ to ‘host’ country?: Examining refugee protection in Indonesia. RESPOND conference on ‘Unpacking the Challenges and Possibilities for Migration Governance’, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Haridas, Gayathri. (2019, Oct). Locating Culture in Singapore’s Smart Nation Vision. Roundtable on Culture & Smart City. Goethe Institute, Singapore. (Invited speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Oct). US and China: Forging a Common Cause for Asia and the World. International Symposium-LKYSPP, the United States’ Brookings Institution and the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) Conference, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Haridas, Gayathri. (2019, Sep). Singapore’s Smart Nation Vision: Imaginations, realities and (dis)continuous inequalities. Expert Symposium on Beyond Smart Cities Today. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Sep). How geopolitics is shaping the world. Business Council’s 2019 Autumn Forum, New Delhi.
  • Zheng, Andy. (2019, Sep). Future of mobility roundtable. Fortune Inaugural Global Sustainability Forum, Yunnan, China.
  • Trenerry, Brigid. (2019, Sep). How far have we come in understanding and responding to discrimination at the individual, community and local government levels? Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network Annual Forum. Bendigo, Australia.
  • Zheng, Andy. (2019, Aug). Scalable template for EV innovation and adoption: Decarbonize and optimize Shenzhen’s 22,000 EV taxis. 7th Shenzhen Low-Carbon City Forum, Shenzhen, China.
  • Zheng, Andy. (2019, Aug). How big data startup builds a plug-and-play smart mobility platform using cloud computing services. AliCloud Best Practices Series.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Haridas, Gayathri., Chng, Samuel., Zainal Shah, Suhailah., Oh, Peng Ho., Wang, Yang & Lim, Sun Sun. (2019, Aug). The gender implications of the future of work in Singapore. Gender Summit 16, Singapore.
  • Remy, Sylvain. (2019, Aug). Does industrial diversity promote innovative entrepreneurship? A study of United States metropolitan areas. International Geography Union Urban Commission Annual Meeting, Luxembourg.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Aug). Research Landscape and Opportunity in HSS. Singaporean Researchers Global Summit, NUS, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Willems, Thijs. (2019, Jul). Craftwork or Technician? Exploring Diverging Notions of Knowledge and Skill in a Digitalizing Sector. 35th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2019, Jul). Sensing older people’s lived experiences through visual images in Singapore. AESOP Annual Congress 2019, Venice, Italy
  • Chng, Samuel & Gan, Sarah. (2019, Jul). Individuals in Smart Cities: Understanding how individuals perceive and react to technological introductions. 13th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Jul). Transformative Innovations, Cities of Tomorrow. R&D Congress, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Jun). Asia-Pacific and World Order: Security, Economics, Identity and Beyond. ISA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Jun). Imagining Future Smart Cities. Innovfest Unbound Leadership Forum.  (Moderator)
  • Wang, Yang & Lim, Sun Sun. (2019, May). Nomadic life archiving across platforms: Hyperlinked storage and compartmentalized sharing. The 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Wang, Yang. (2019, May). Parent-child role reversal in ICT domestication: Media brokering activities, emotional labours and household power relations. The 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, May). Global geopolitical landscape as it affects Asia. J P Morgan Asia Pacific Council, Beijing. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, May). The Future of AI. The Centre for AI and Data Governance, Singapore Management University (SMU). (Panelist)
  • Cornet, Henriette., Kong, Penny., Vallet, Flore. Lane, Anna., Theng, Yin Leng. (2019, Apr). Designing Sustainable Mobility for People at Risk of Social Isolation – Two Cultural Perspectives from Singapore and France. The LENS: the learning Network on Sustainability World Conference: Designing Sustainability for All, Beijing, China.
  • Chen, Julienne and Hoa Nguyen. (2019, Apr). Co-producing urban solutions? An evaluation framework for community initiatives in Singapore. Paper presented at International Research Society for Public Management, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2019, Mar). Industry partnerships for advancing electric vehicle infrastructure in Asia. Electric Vehicles Asia 2019, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Feb). Policy and Economic Developments in Asia. KKR Investment Asia Pacific Team, Chiangmai, Thailand. (Speaker)
  • Martínez, Rafael. (2019, Jan). Jakarta’s Provisional Life. Seminar hosted by the FASS Global Urban Studies Cluster, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Jan). Singapore’s Place in the World. 6th Cross-Sector Leader’s Programme (CSLP). (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2019, Jan). Singapore and the Region. Singapore Perspectives 2019: Singapore World. (Chairperson)


  • Chen, Julienne and Hoa Nguyen. (2018, Dec). The role of resident-led initiatives in co-creating the city. Paper presented at Great Asian Streets Symposium/Pacific Rim Community Design Network, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Nov). Towards Resilient and Empowered Societies. 3rd Raffles Dialogue, Singapore. (Moderator)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Nov). Smart and Sustainable Urbanisation. The 16th Asian Pacific Conference of German Business, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Nov). Supercities in the 21st Century. Bloomberg New Economy Forum, Singapore. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Nov). The United States and Asia: the New Geo-Politics and Geo–Economics. Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series 2018, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Nov). ASEAN Smart Cities Network: Opportunities for the Region. ASEAN Smart Cities Network and the Challenges of Urbanization Forum, Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, Hong Kong. (Moderator)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Nov). Inclusive planning in urban China, China’s New Urban Agenda Conference, Manchester, UK. (Keynote)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Nov). Retooling the housing environment for ageing in Singapore, ADB Tongji Workshop on Developing Healthy and Age-friendly Cities in the PRC: From Planning to Practice, Shanghai, China.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Nov). Public housing in Singapore, Urban Age Conference : Developing Urban Future,  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Oct). The Changing World Order: New Alignments, New Paradigms. The Marshall Bouton Asia Lecture. Chicago Council of Global Affairs. Chicago, United States. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Oct). 12th Leaders in Administration Programme, Civil Service College, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Oct). The Future of Happiness. 11th Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2018, Singapore. (Panel Moderator)
  • Hou, Yuting. (2018, Oct). Understanding the built environment-travel behaviour relationship in real-time from lifelogging images-A study of older adults in three neighbourhoods in Singapore, 58th Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), New York, USA.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Oct). Designing ageing-friendly urban environment, Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress 2018, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Oct). Enabling Aging-in-place in Singapore. 2018 International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) Ageing, Longevity and Health Conference, Singapore.
  • Močnik, Špela. (2018, Oct). Age-friendly neighbourhoods in Singapore: Understanding older adults’ needs and perceptions of the built environment, Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference: Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Irna Nurlina. (2018, Sep). Who is urbanisation for?: A comparative inquiry of state-society relations in Jakarta’s urban kampungs. DAAD Summer School on Urban Transformations to Sustainability in South and Southeast Asia, Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany.
  • Haridas, Gayathri & Chng, Samuel. (2018, Sep). Understanding Digital Health in Smart Singapore. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Sep). Bridging Asia’s Gender Gaps: Building Future on HIStory and HERstory. The First Women’s Forum, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Sep). Why China’s Highly Strategic Brand of Revisionism is More Challenging than Washington Thinks. Dr Evan Feigenbaum’s, The Paulson Institute, MFA Diplomatic Academy, Singapore. (Moderator)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Sep). From Planning to implementation:Singapore. World Class Sustainable Cities 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Keynote Address)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Aug). Malaysia’s Unexpected Journey towards a New Politics and Foreign Policy. ISEAS Prominent Speaker Series, Singapore. (Moderator)
  • Jacobs, Jane Margaret and Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Aug). Engineering High-rise Living: An historical perspective on infrastructure experimentation and learning. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Sydney, Australia.
  • Lane, Anna. (2018, Aug). Neighbourhood social capital in Singapore. International Federation on Ageing, 14th Global Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • Bhuyan, Md Rashed. (2018, Jul). Rethinking relationship between children’s play and configuration of urban physical environments in Dhaka, 2nd International Conference on Green architecture (ICGrA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Patra, Selina., Chia, Siow Boon., Ong, Eng Shi., Fearnley, Lyle., Kwan, Wei Lek. (2018, Jul). What Goes in My Bins: Understanding Everyday Waste Management Practices and Overcoming the Recycling Challenge,  CleanEnviro Summit Singapore 2018, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018,Jul). Towards age-friendliness in Singapore, Centre for Liveable Cities-Seoul Institute Age-Friendly Cities Panel Discussion: Sharing from Asian Cities, Singapore.
  • Willems, Thijs. (2018, Jul). The Meaning of Craftsmanship in a Digital Age, 34th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies, Tallinn, Estonia.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Jul). Insights on Sustainability: A Conversation with Chan Heng Chee. Moderated by Mariette DiChristina, Chief Editor of Scientific American, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Jul). City Solutions for a Livable and Sustainable Future. World Cities Summit, Singapore (moderator for opening plenary)
  • Jacobs, Jane Margaret and Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Jun). A history of innovation: Building technology in Singapore’s Housing and Development Board, 1960-1995. Public Lecture hosted by Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, SUTD, Singapore.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2018, Jun). Encouraging Low-emission Vehicles Purchases? Understand the Underlying Pro-environment Attitudes, Beliefs and Behaviours, International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri., & Willems, Thijs. (2018, Jun). Developing a framework of technology adoption and resistance for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Poster presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Chng, Samuel., Poon, King Wang., Hakim Norhashim, Norakmal., Haridas, Gayathri & Willems, Thijs. (2018, Jun). Understanding the employees’ perception of new technologies during digital transformation: A pilot study. Paper presented at the Singapore Congress on Applied Psychology, Singapore.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2018, May). The psychology of sustainable transport decisions: Car use, car purchase and beyond. Paper presented at The Psychology of Sustainable Consumption, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Haridas, Gayathri., Willems, Thijs. (2018, May). The history of manufacturing and the future of work. Technological Innovations and Social Change: The History of Automation and the Future of Work in East-Asia, 1960s-2010s, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, Belinda.  (2018, May). Child Friendly Urban Planning, Growing Up Urban Mayors Forum, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Apr). European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018: International Perspectives, Brussels, Belgium (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Apr). Singapore Platform for East West Dialogue, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Irna Nurlina. (2018, Feb). Between State and Society: The Challenge of Managing Urban Migration. Seminar presentation at the Research Center for Society and Culture, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2018, Feb).  Growing Older in Singapore Public Housing, International Research Forum on Multi-owned Properties, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2018, Feb). The Intra-urban Spatial Interactions Among Employment Centers: Evidence from Commuting Patterns in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, 57th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, Pasadena, USA.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2018, Jan). The Future Politics of Ageing, Singapore Perspectives 2018, Singapore. (Speaker)


  • Jacobs, Jane Margaret. (2017, Nov). Engineering Home. Invited speaker Situating Domesticities In Architecture, workshop hosted by Department of Architecture, NUS, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Nov). The Evolution of Asia: Impact on Singapore’s Foreign Policy. Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners Asia Conference 2017 , Singapore. (Keynote Address)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017, Nov). Towards a unified framework of adoption of healthcare technologies. Poster presented at the Future Health 2017: Innovations Transforming Healthcare, Singapore.
  • Hakim Norhashim, Norakmal., & Poon, King Wang. (2017, Nov). Living Digital 2040: Future of Healthcare, Future Health 2017: Innovations Transforming Healthcare, Singapore.
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2017, Nov). Die Stadt der Zukunft (The Future City). Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Willems, Thijs., Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri & Poon, King Wang. (2017, Oct). The shifting landscape of work and organisation: Exploring power relations at work in the Digital Society. Paper presented at The Industrial Revolution 4.0: Preparing for Disruptive Technologies in 21st Century Asia, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Oct). Visual Art and Ageing. International Ageing Urbanism Colloquium 2017, Singapore.
  • Hou, Yuting. (2017, Oct).  Spatial Analysis of Older Adults’ Travel Behaviour in Singapore: Results from the 2012 Household Interview Travel Survey. International Ageing Urbanism Colloquium 2017, Singapore.
  • Chen, Julienne. (2017, Oct). Active Ageing and the Built Environment: Early Findings on Neighbourhood-Level Barriers to Walking in Bukit Panjang. International Ageing Urbanism Colloquium 2017, Singapore.
  • Lane, Anna. (2017, Oct). Neighbourhood Social Capital and Quality of Life. International Ageing Urbanism Colloquium 2017, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Oct). Asia’s Future Cities: Sustainable, Liveable, Loveable?. DP 50 Design Future Conference – People, Places, Partnerships, Singapore. (Keynote Address)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Oct). Singapore, Asia and the World. Asia Journalism Fellowship, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Oct). 10 as 1, S Rajaratnam Endowment Youth Model ASEAN Conference (SRE-YMAC), Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Sep). Navigating the New World Order: Critical Uncertainties and Possible Scenarios. Singapore Summit, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Aug). Innovation Beyond Borders, Leaders in Science Forum. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Aug). The evolving US-China relationship: Implications for the region. 10th Anniversary of China Studies in English (CSE) Celebration. (Keynote Address)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017, Aug). Exploring the role of access to public transport in commute choices and wellbeing in London. Paper presented at the Commuting and Wellbeing: Academic Symposium, University of West England, Bristol, UK.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Aug). Completing the SDG Loop with Research. UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Programme (2018-21), Bangkok.
  • Zheng, Andy. (2017, July). Scaling Singapore’s smart city innovations globally. CREATE Future of Science Technology and Policy Workshop, Singapore.
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2017, Jul). Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore. The Future of Cities Conference, Singapore.
  • Patra, Selina., Whaung, Shih Teen., Kwan, Wei Lek. (2017, Jul). Analysis of heavy metals in Incineration Bottom Ash in Singapore and potential impact of pre-sorting on ash quality. World Engineers Summit – Applied Energy Symposium & Forum: Low Carbon Cities & Urban Energy Joint Conference, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Jul). Retooling neighbourhoods for older people in Singapore. AESOP 2017 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Jul). Shakeup without Trump: Leadership in an Age of Upheaval, Far East Organization Leadership Speaker Series (Speaker)
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2017, Jun). Dense and Green Cities. Singapore Urban Sustainability Congress, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Jun). Singapore is Not an Island – Views on Singapore Foreign Policy, RSIS Distinguised Book Launch by Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Jun). Lockheed Martin Shangri-la Dialogue Roundtable, The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue, The Asia Security Summit, Singapore.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Jun). Building capacity for resilient Singapore. UNDP Asia Forum on the Role of Local and Urban Governments in Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Rural Areas, Haiyang, China.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Jun). Age-friendly housing+ in Singapore. ADB Aging Asia and the Pacific, Manila, Philippines.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2017, Jun). Social sustainability of Singapore neighbourhoods. World Sustainable Built Environment 2017 Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, May). Mastering the Art of Professional Communication, CELC Oral Communication Camp 2017, NUS. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Apr). Transforming the Urban Landscape, Milken Institute Global Conference 2017, Los Angeles. (Panel Speaker)
  • Marakkalage, Sumudu Hasala., Lau, Billy Pik Lik., Sanjana KV., Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu., Yuen, Chau., Yuen, Belinda., Nayak, Richi. (2017, Apr). Identifying Points of Interest for Elderly in Singapore through Mobile Crowdsensing, 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Mar). Asian views on US role in Asia and the future of the re-balance in Singapore, The Asia Foundation, Launch of book, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Lau, Billy Pik Lik., Marakkalage, Sumudu Hasala., Viswanath, S. K., Balasubramaniam, Thirunavukarasu., Yuen, Chau., Yuen, Belinda and Nayak, Richi. (2017, Mar). Extracting point of interest and classifying environment for low sampling crowd sensing smartphone sensor data, CASPer 2017: The 4th IEEE PerCom International Workshop on Crowd Assisted Sensing, Pervasive Systems and Communications, Hawaii, USA.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Feb). Unintended Consequences in Singapore, Behavioural Sciences Institute Conference 2017, Singapore. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2017, Feb). Harmony in Diversity – Arts, Culture and Language, International Women’s Forum (IWF) 20th Anniversary Celebration 2017, Singapore. (Panel speaker)
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2017, Jan). Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore, Cities Roundtable 2017, Singapore.
  • Powers, John. (2017, Jan). International Roundtable on The Future of the Economy, Singapore. (Speaker)


  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Dec). World Review 2016. Channel NewsAsia. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Dec). The making of a Smart Nation, Berlin Dialogue Platform Smart Cities. (Keynote Speaker)
  • Poon, King Wang., Lim, Wee Kiat., Balasubramanian, Gayathri. (2016, Dec). How Professionals Are Refashioning Their Craft Around Computerization: The Case of Accountis, De Lange X Conference on Humans, Machines and Future of Work, United States.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Nov). U.S Presidential Elections. IPS Corporate Associates Programme – Dialogue with Steve Clemons. (Speaker)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2016, Nov). Planning a city for all ages in Singapore, Commonwealth Association of Planners Conference, Fiji.
  • Zheng, Andy. (2016, Oct). Empower the workforce with innovations: Sharing economy in the taxi industry (in Chinese). Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China.
  • Cheah, Lynette. (2016, Oct). On the Move in 2040: A Foresight Study on Urban Mobility in Singapore. LTA-UITP Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition, Singapore.
  • Powers, John. (2016, Jul). Thoughts on Innovation Ecosystems and Evidence from The Future of the Economy Study under the Future of Cities Project. IPS-CFE Conference on the Future Economy of Singapore, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Jun). Will Geoeconomics trump Geopolitics. The London Conference. (Panel Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Jun). International Conference SUTD on Cities and Citizenships. (Speaker for opening remarks)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Jun). The Power and Limitations of Global Cities. Chicago Forum on Global Cities. (Speaker)
  • Youngjin Chae. (2016, May). Flexible Solar Textiles with Style for Future Smart Clothing System, Fiber Society Conference 2016, France
  • Zahraei, Seyed Mehdi., C. Choo., Waqas, Cheema., Cheah, Lynette. (2016, Feb). Foresight Study on Singapore Urban Mobility: Methodologies and Preliminary Insights. 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Feb). Future Matters. Behavioural Science Institute (BSI) conference of SMU, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2016, Jan). The Future of We. IPS Singapore Perspectives 2016. (Panelist)


  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, Dec). The silver opportunity in leisure. 6th Asian City Forum: City-Leisure-Future, Ningbo, China.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, Dec). Seniors Parks: The Next Planning Frontier. NParks CUGE Research Seminar, Singapore. (Keynote Address)
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2015, Nov). Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore, Cities Roundtable, Singapore.
  • Schroepfer, Thomas. (2015, Nov). Future Urban Typologies for Enhancing Liveability in Singapore, GreenUrbanScape Asia 2015, Singapore
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Nov). Cities Roundtable, Singapore. (Keynote Address)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Nov). Excellence and Equal Access in Future Learning. Nobel Prize Series Conference. (Panel Speaker)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, Oct). To be inclusive is to be age-ready: Perspective from Singapore. 51st ISOCARP Congress, Brussels-Rotterdam.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Oct). Integration Seminar. (Keynote Address)
  • Nair, Pavathi. (2015, Sep). How age-Friendly is your urban environment? Capstone Presentation School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Sep). What Makes a City Smart. Commonwealth Study Leaders conference. (Speaker)
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Jul). Singapore at 50: What lies ahead. IPS-LKYSPP-NUS Conference, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Jul). Foresight Conference, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Jul). The Future of Cities. Urban Sustainability R&D Congress, Singapore. (Keynote Speaker)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, Jul). How age friendly is your dwelling? Urban Sustainability R&D Conference, Singapore.
  • Chan, Heng Chee. (2015, Jun). World Cities Summit Mayors Forum, New York, United States.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, Jun). Adaptive strategies for climate resilient society in Singapore. Regional Workshop for Capacity Development on Low Carbon and Resilient Society in Southeast Asia Countries, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, May). The multiple transformations of public housing in Singapore. The Future of Public Housing Workshop, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2015, May). Intensification: Smart urbanisation development. FIABCI 66th World Real Estate Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Kim, Hyungkyoo. (2015). Climate-Responsive Urban Design: A Wind-Oriented Approach. Lecture at the Graduate School of Environment Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Lim, Wee Kiat. (2015). Enacting Risk Governance in China after the 2003 SARS Crisis. Society on Risk Analysis (SRA) World Congress on Risk, Singapore.
  • Lim, Wee Kiat. (2015). Enacting Disaster Governance: Governmentalizing Emergency Management in China in the Post-SARS Era. Workshop on Decentralised Disaster Governance in Urbanising Asia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • Lim, Wee Kiat. (2015). Of Minds, Morals, and Methods: Combining Moral Meteorology and Disaster Relief in the Historiography of China’s Disaster Management. D. Kim Foundation Workshop on the History and Social Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in Asia, Tembusu College, National University of Singapore, Singapore.


  • Yuen, Belinda. (2014, Oct). Urban Futures of Asian Cities. USAID-UNDP Asia Urban Futures Workshop: Shaping Solutions to the Challenges of Tomorrow for Asia’s Cities, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2014, May). Eco-city in Singapore. 2014 Spring Symposium of Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, Seoul, Republic of Korea.


  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013, Nov). Challenges and opportunities of providing efficient urban services. UNCRD and UN-HABITAT Forum for Mayors and Senior Officials on Sustainable Urban Development and Management in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013, Nov). Urban development and management in Asia: Lessons for African cities. UNCRD and UN-HABITAT Forum for Mayors and Senior Officials on Sustainable Urban Development and Management in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.  (Keynote Address)
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013, Nov). Public housing in Singapore: Transforming lives. 46th EAROPH Regional Conference, Iskandar Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Yuen, Belinda. (2013, Oct). Eco-city planning: Pure hype or achievable concept. 49th ISOCARP Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
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