Professor Seng LOKE
Title: Visiting Professor
Alumni: PhD, Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
Discipline/s: Computer Science (Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence)
Seng Loke is (Full) Professor in Computer Science at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He currently directs the Centre for Software, Systems & Society (CS3) at Deakin's School of Information Technology, and co-leads the Platforms and Applications Lab, in the Centre for Internet-of-Things ECOsystems Research and Experimentation (CITECORE) also in the School. He was Research Theme Leader on “Intelligent Built Environments” in the Live+Smart Research Lab at Deakin’s School of Architecture and Built Environment, was an Adjunct Professor in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at La Trobe University, and was an Adjunct Professor in the School of Business and Tourism at Southern Cross University. He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and a member of the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor program.
His interests include smart things, smarter cities and the Internet-of-Things, and technology ethics. He has authored 'Context-Aware Pervasive Systems: Architectures for a New Breed of Applications' published by Auerbach (CRC Press) (2006), 'Crowd-Powered Mobile Computing and Smart Things' published by Springer (2017), and more recently is lead author for `The Automated City: Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence’ published by Springer (2021). Although mainly a Computer Scientist, he is interested in multidisciplinary research and is currently working on designing the Automated City.
He has authored and co-authored over 300 research papers, including over 85 papers in journals such as Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Elsevier), IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, AI and Ethics (Springer), AI and Society (Springer), IEEE Transactions on SMC, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, and Pervasive and Mobile Computing.
Prof Seng Loke visited LKYCIC from 15 Nov 2023 -31 Jan 2024 as Visiting Professor.
More at: https://sites.google.com/site/sengwloke/
- PhD, Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia (1998)
- BSc (Honours), Computer Science, The Australian National University (1994)
Publications (selected)
- Seng W. Loke., & Andry Rakotonirainy. (2021). The Automated City - Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-82317-7, pp. 1-155.
- Franco, Zambonelli., Flora D. Salim,, Seng W. Loke,, Wolfgang, De Meuter,, & Salil S. Kanhere. (2018). Algorithmic Governance in Smart Cities: The Conundrum and the Potential of Pervasive Computing Solutions. IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag. 37(2): 80-87.