Title: Research Fellow

Alumni: PhD in Urban Planning, University of Melbourne, Australia

Discipline/s: Urban Planning, Transportation Planning


Contact: 64994053


Xin Yang is a Research Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC). She supports Dr Belinda Yuen (PI) and team on a number of projects under the Ageing Urbanism and Urban Innovation research programmes. She has a keen research interest in urban planning and design for age-friendly neighbourhoods, city for all ages, the connection between the built environment and population health, and urban innovation and transformation for sustainable development.

She is trained in the field of urban planning. Prior to joining LKYCIC, she was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Future Urban Mobility research team at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre and a member of the JTL Urban Mobility Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In her doctoral research, she examined the effects of China’s government-led job decentralisation policy on travel behaviour and household welfare. She developed an innovative modelling framework to measure household welfare outcomes of urban policy intervention based on the Sen-Nussbaum’s Capability Approach – a fundamental theory of social justice.


  • PhD in Urban Planning, University of Melbourne, Australia (2018)
  • Master of Urban Planning, University of Melbourne, Australia (2012)
  • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, China (2009)


  • Yuen, Belinda.,  Cai, Yanjun., Chan, Francine., Yang, Xin., and Lim, Kelly. (2024). 11 Smart Cities. World Scientific.
  • Wong, Yi Jie., Poh, Ruth., Koh, Lip Wee., Yang, Xin. & Chng, Samuel. (2024). Evaluating the impact of road pedestrianisation on businesses: A case study in Singapore. International Journal of Smart and Sustainable Cities.
  • Yuen, Belinda., Chan, Francine., Yang, Xin., & Lim, Kelly. (2024). Smart Sustainability Transformation Playbook. World Scientific.
  • Day, Jennifer., Phelps, Nicholas A., Veeroja, Piret. & Yang, Xin. (2022) From Edge City to City? Planning Intentions for Edge Cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 88:4, 565-577.
  • Luo Rachel., Fan Yichun., Yang Xin., Zhao Jinhua., & Zheng Siqi. (2021). The impact of social externality information on foresting sustainable travel mode choice: a behavioural experiment in Zhengzhou, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 152, 127-145.
  • Yang Xin., Day Jennifer., Langford Brian., Cherry Christopher., Jones, Luke., Han Sun Sheng., & Sun Jingyi. (2017). Commute responses to employment decentralization: Anticipated versus actual mode choice behaviours of new town employees in Kunming, China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 454-470.
  • Yang Xin., & Day Jennifer. (2016). Operationalizing the Capabilities Approach for Modelling Household Welfare Shifts in Urban Systems: A Special Focus on the Transportation Outcomes of Urban Resettlement. In Walloth Christian., Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst., Atun Funda., & Werner, Liss. (Eds.) Understanding Complex Urban Systems: Integrating Multidisciplinary Data in Urban Models. Springer International Publishing.
  • Yang Xin., & Day Jennifer. (2015). Operationalizing the Capabilities Approach for Urban Policy Evaluation: The Travel Welfare Impacts of Government Job Resettlement. Geographical Research Forum, 35, 113-137.
  • Yang Xin., Day Jennifer., & Han Sun Sheng. (2015). Urban Peripheries as Growth and Conflict Spaces: The Development of New Towns in China. In Wong Tai-Chee., Han Sun Sheng., & Zhang Hongmei. (Eds.) Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China. Springer International Publishing AG.

Conference Presentations/Proceedings

  • Yang, Xin., Yuen, Belinda., Ng, Yee Sien. & Lin, Sapphire Huili. (2023, Dec). The Built Environment, Health and Social Determinants of Older Adults’ Walking Patterns in Singapore. 8th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Cambridge, UK. (Speaker)
  • Yang Xin., Day Jennifer., Langford Brian., Cherry Christopher., Jones, Luke., Han Sun Sheng., & Sun Jingyi. (2016, July). Stated versus revealed residential location choices in response to job resettlement to new towns: A case study of Kunming, China. 14th World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), Shanghai, China.