SUHAILA Zainal Shah 

Title: Research Fellow

Alumni: Ph.D., Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Discipline/s: Sociology


Contact: 64994863


Suhaila is a Research Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities with a strong interest in interdisciplinary and applied social research. Her doctoral thesis integrates various fields to examine mothers’ work-life experiences and paradoxical relationship with technology in times of digital disruption and the pandemic. Her research interests include technology and society; work and family; social stratification; gender; intersectional inequalities; community and wellbeing.

She is currently supporting Harvey, Samuel and team on the “Future-Ready Society” projects.


  • Ph.D., Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design (2023)
  • BA (Hons) Criminology and Security, University of Liverpool (2018)



  • Wang, Yang., Chng, Samuel., Trenerry, Brigid., Suhaila, Zainal Shah., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2024). Five-Stage Model of Technology Domestication in the Workplace: An Organisational Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management Software. Singapore Labour Journal, 3, 65-88. Doi: 10.1142/S2811031524000056
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah. & Lim, Sun Sun. (2024). Negotiating Mental Loads, Gender Norms, and Societal Expectations: How Working Mothers in Singapore Solicit Support over Reddit. In: Chan, X.W., Shang, S., Lu, L. (Eds.) Work-Life Research in the Asia-Pacific. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Lim, Sun Sun. & Suhaila, Zainal Shah. (2022). Bridging Singapore's Digital Divides: Making our Smart Nation Smarter, In Intan., Azura. Mokhtar. & Yaacob., Ibrahim. (Eds.), Social Context, Policies, And Changes in Singapore: Beyond the First 50 Years, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Wang, Yang., Zainal Shah, Suhaila., Lim, Sun Sun., Lu, Han Yu., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2021). Preparing workplaces for digital transformation: An integrative review and framework of multi-level factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 822. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.620766
  • Lim, Sun Sun. & Suhaila, Zainal Shah. (2021). Digital media and youth on the margins: growth, belonging and identity in a technologizing world. In: Brites, Maria. José. & Castro, Teresa. (Eds.), Digital citizenship, literacies and contexts of inequalities (pp.59-68), Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.


 Conference Presentations/Proceedings

  • Wee, Ethel., Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel. (2024, Nov). Exploring Gendered Realities and Work-family Dynamics Among Public Bus Drivers in Singapore. TASA 2024 Living Now: Social Worlds and Political Landscapes, organised by The Australian Sociological Association.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel., Chan, Sarah., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, May). Exploring Psychosocial Differences Underlying Divergent Public Priorities across Societal, Technological, Economical, Environmental, and Political Issues. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Chng, Samuel., Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chan, Sarah., Low, Weijian. & Chua, Breanne. (2024, May). Randomised Trial of a Gamified Inoculation Intervention to Reduce Susceptibility to Scams. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2023, Nov). Taming the dragon of inaction - re-prioritising the importance of climate action. Paper presented at the BEHAVE 2023: 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2023, Nov). Perceptions of Future and Public’s Prioritisation of Diverse Social Goals: Unravelling the Temporal Dimensions of Climate Change Actions in Singapore. Paper presented at 2023 Joint ANZRSAI/RSA Conference - Global Crises and Regional Futures, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Trenerry, Brigid. & Lim, Sun Sun., (2022, Aug) Exploring the Gendered Burden of Unpaid Care Work in Times of Digitalization and COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association 117th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah.& Raghunath, Nilanjan. (2022, Jun). Working from Home and Working Mothers’ Experiences of Work-Life Balance and Boundary Management in Times of Uncertainty. Paper presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) 6th Biennial Conference, New York, USA.
  • Yang, Wang., Chng, Samuel., Trenerry, Brigid., Suhaila, Zainal. Shah. & Lim, Sun. Sun. (2021, May) Changing workplace communication with Mobile Technologies: A Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management System in a Construction Company. Paper presented at 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference.
  • Lim, Sun Sun., Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Wang, Yang., Zainal Shah, Suhaila., Lu, Han Yu., & Oh, Peng Ho. (2020, Oct). Mindset, motivation and mentoring: Supporting workers through digital disruptions. Panel Session at the NTUC Labour Research Conference Workers’ Matters: Finding ways to brave the roads ahead, Singapore.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Haridas, Gayathri., Chng, Samuel., Zainal Shah, Suhaila., Oh, Peng Ho., Wang, Yang., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2019, Aug). The Gender Implications of the Future of Work in Singapore. Gender Summit 16, Singapore.