LI Bayi 

Title: Senior Research Assistant

Alumni: Master Degree of Science in Geographical Information Science, University of Edinburgh

Discipline/s: Geography, Urban Planning


Contact: 64994053


Bayi is an urban researcher specialising in computational social sciences and spatial data science. He holds an MSc in Geographical Information Science with Distinction from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning from Shanghai University. His research encompasses spatiotemporal data mining of human mobility patterns and their correlation with spatial and socioeconomic factors, as well as micro-modelling aimed at understanding the evolution of social phenomena.

He is supporting Harvey, Sam and team in the Urban Environmental Sustainability programme and "Strengthening Urban Resilience in the age of Fragmentation (SURF)" project.


  • Master Degree of Science in Geographical Information Science, University of Edinburgh
  • Bachelor Degree of Urban Planning, Shanghai University


  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel. & Li, Bayi. (2023). The role of labour unions in a just transition: Insights from the workers. Singapore Labour Journal, 2, 39-53. doi: 10.1142/S2811031523000141
  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel. & Li, Bayi. (2023). The role of labour unions in a just transition: Insights from the workers. Singapore Labour Journal, 2, 39-53. doi: 10.1142/S2811031523000141
  • Feng, Wenhan., Li, Bayi., Chen, Zebin., Liu, Peng. (2021). City Size Based Scaling of the Urban Internal Nodes Layout. PLOS ONE, 16 (4): e0250348. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250348

Conference Presentations/Proceedings

  • Feng, Wenhan., Song, Peiyao., Li, Bayi. (2021, Oct). Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong. Spatial Data and Intelligence. SpatialDI 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-69873-7_10
  • Feng, Wenhan., Li, Bayi., Kong, Lingda. (2019, Apr). Urban Land Use Layout Agent-based Model Research Based on Baidu POI Data. 16th International Conference on Computer in Urban Planning and Urban Management. CUPUM 2019.