Title: Professor and ERC Advanced Investigator in the National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis at Maynooth University, Ireland
Rob Kitchin is a professor in the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, Ireland. He has conducted extensive research on digital technologies and their impact on society and was the principal investigator of the Programmable City project (funded by the ERC) and is presently a co-PI on the Building City Dashboards project (funded by SFI). He is (co)author or (co)editor of 30 non-fiction books including Code/Space, The Data Revolution, Code and the City, Data and the City, Digital Geographies, The Right to the Smart City, and How to Run a City Like Amazon and Other Fables, and author of over 200 articles and book chapters. He has been an editor of three leading Geography journals (Progress in Human Geography, Dialogues in Human Geography, Social and Cultural Geography) and editor-in-chief of the 12 volume International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. He is a recipient of the Royal Irish Academy’s Gold Medal for the Social Sciences.