Samuel CHNG 

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Alumni: PhD in Medical Studies, University of Exeter, Medical School, UK

Discipline/s: Social and Environmental Psychology


Contact: 64994053


Samuel Chng is Research Assistant Professor and heads the Urban Psychology Lab in the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He is also Deputy Lead for the Future-Ready Society programme. With the majority of the world's population residing in cities today, fostering urban lifestyles that contribute towards creating low-carbon, resilient, healthy and equitable cities becomes ever more critical. An applied social psychologist, his interdisciplinary work focuses on developing research-informed policies and initiatives to accelerate this transition in Singapore and the wider Asian region. He is a firm believer in translating academic research and capacity building, and so actively collaborates with partners in government, industry, the labour movement and media in this endeavour.


  • PhD in Medical Studies, University of Exeter, Medical School, UK (2017)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons), James Cook University, Australia (2013)



  • Wang, Yang., Chng, Samuel., Trenerry, Brigid., Suhaila, Zainal Shah., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2024). Five-Stage Model of Technology Domestication in the Workplace: An Organisational Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management Software. Singapore Labour Journal, 3, 65-88. Doi: 10.1142/S2811031524000056
  • Kurniawan, Jude H., Miller, Kristine., Chng, Samuel., Blessing, Lucienne T.M., & Cheah, Lynette. (2024). Participatory Planning in Designing Autonomous Mobility Systems: A Design Thinking Approach. International Journal on Smart and Sustainable Cities2doi: 10.1142/S297242602340007X
  • Wong, Yi Jie., Poh, Ruth., Koh, Lip Wee., Yang, Xin. & Chng, Samuel. (2024). Evaluating the impact of road pedestrianisation on businesses: A case study in Singapore. International Journal of Smart and Sustainable Cities.
  • Alzurikat, Merna. & Chng, Samuel. (2024). A Future with Autonomous Urban Air Mobility: Preparing Cities and Citizens. White Paper for Aviation Studies Institute, Singapore University of Technology and Design.
  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel. & Li, Bayi. (2023). The role of labour unions in a just transition: Insights from the workers. Singapore Labour Journal, 2, 39-53. doi: 10.1142/S2811031523000141
  • Huang, Bernice., Choi, Yunkyung., Chng, Samuel., & Neo, Harvey. (2023). Examining Policy Strategies for Electrifying Transportation in ASEAN: A STEELUP Framework Evaluation. Sustainability, 15(22), 15708.
  • Mussagulova, Assel., Chng, Samuel., Goh, Zi An Galvyn., Tang, Cheryl J., & Jayasekara, Dinithi N. (2023). When is a career transition successful? a systematic literature review and outlook (1980–2022). Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
  • Chng, Samuel., Plananska, Jana. & Cheah, Lynette. (2023). Comparison of travel attitude study methods using online tools: The case of understanding public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100847. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100847
  • Bala, Haimanti., Anowar, Sabreena., Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2023). Review of studies on public acceptability and acceptance of shared autonomous mobility services: Past, present and future. Transport Reviews. doi: 0.1080/01441647.2023.2188619
  • Chng, Samuel., Neo, Harvey., Tan, Ariel. & Li, Bayi. (2023). Trends, Jobs and Skills in Sustainability. Report for National Trade Union Congress.
  • Chng, Samuel., Choi, Yunkyung., Cheah, Lynette., Tan, Ariel. & Nio, Cheryl.(2023). Future-ready Public Transport System. Report for the Public Transport Council and Ministry of Transport.
  • Chew, Jocelyn., Li, Jiayi. & Chng, Samuel. (2023). Improving Adult Eating Behaviours by Manipulating Time Perspective: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Psychology & Health. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2023.2169320
  • Chew, Jocelyn., Chng, Samuel., Rajasegaran, Nagadarshini Nicole., Choy, Khun Hean. & Chong, Yuen Yu. (2023). Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on weight, eating behaviours and psychological outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 28(1), 6. doi: 10.1007/s40519-023-01535-6
  • Chng, Samuel., Chang, Catherine., Mosquera, Karenza. & Leong, Wai Yan. (2022). Living in a Silver Zone: Residents’ perceptions of area-wide traffic calming measures in Singapore. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100710. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2022.100710
  • Chng, Samuel., Kawasumi, Mikiko., Al-Ahda, Mohd., Mangla, Chavi., & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Evaluating the Use of Graphic Symbols in Autonomous Vehicle-To-Pedestrian Communication. In 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 389-394). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9922243
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Wang, Yang., Lim, Sun Sun. & Oh, Peng Ho. (2022). Mobilising workers via digital means: Reinventing trade unions for the digital age. Singapore Labour Journal, 1, 6-19.
  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena., & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Understanding Shared Autonomous Vehicle Preferences: A Comparison Between Shuttles, Buses, Ridesharing and Taxis. Sustainability, 14, 13656. doi: 10.3390/su142013656
  • Miler, Kristi., Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022). Understanding acceptance of shared autonomous vehicles among people with different mobility and communication needs. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 200-210. doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2022.06.007
  • Chng, Samuel., Lu, Han Yu., Kumar, Ayush., & Yau, David. (2022). Hacker types, motivations and strategies: A comprehensive framework. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 100167. doi: 10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100167
  • Chng, Samuel., Chew, Jocelyn. & Joireman, Jeff. (2022). When Time is of the Essence: Development and Validation of Brief Consideration of Future (and Immediate) Consequences Scales. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111362. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111362
  • Chng, Samuel., Yang, Wang., Trennery, Brigid., Oh, Peng Ho. & Lim, Sun Sun. (2021). Organising workers through digital means. Singapore: National Trades Union Congress.
  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena. & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). To embrace or not to embrace? Understanding public’s dilemma about autonomous mobility services: A case study of Singapore. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2), 1542-1552. doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2021.08.004
  • Bajaj, Tamanna Kaur. & Chng, Samuel. (2021). The dilemma of digitalisation: Understanding the challenges, needs and support for SME retailers in Singapore. Available at SSRN:
  • Chng, Samuel., Kong, Penny., Lim, Pei Yi., Cornet, Henriette. & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). Engaging Citizens in Driverless Mobility: Insights from a Global Dialogue for Research, Design and Policy. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100443. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2021.100443
  • Kurniawan, Jude Herijadi., Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2021). Social acceptance of autonomous vehicles. IEEE Potentials, 40(4), 39-44. doi: 10.1109/MPOT.2020.2991059
  • Chng, S. (2021). Advancing Behavioural Theories in Sustainable Transportation: A Research Agenda. Urban Science, 5(2), 43doi: 10.3390/urbansci5020043
  • Chew, Jocelyn. & Chng, Samuel.  (2021). COVID-19 pandemic response behaviours: A Singapore experience of the “Circuit Breaker”. Translational Behavioural Medicine. ibaa135. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibaa135
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., Yang, Wang., Shah, Suhaila Binte Zainal., Lim, Sun Sun., Lu, Han Yu., Oh, Peng Ho. (2021). Preparing workplaces for digital transformation: An integrative review and framework of multi-level factors. Frontiers in Psychology12, 822. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.620766
  • Chng, Samuel. & Borzino, Natalia. (2020). Predictors of Environmental Behaviour: The Role of Value Orientations, Environmental Concern and Beliefs in Singapore. In: E. Quah & R. Schubert (Eds.), Sustainability and Environmental Decision Making. Sustainable Development (pp. 1-22). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-6093-4_14-1
  • Borzino, Natalia., Chng, Samuel., Mughal, Muhammad Omer. & Schubert, Renate. (2020). Willingness-to-Pay for Urban Heat Island Effect Mitigation in Tropical Countries: A case study of Singapore. Climate, 8(7), 8070082. doi: 10.3390/cli8070082
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2020). Understanding Autonomous Road Public Transport Acceptance: A Study of Singapore. Sustainability, 12(12), 4974. doi: 10.3390/su12124974
  • Chatterjee, Kiron., Chng, Samuel., Clark, Ben., Davis, Adrian., De Vos, Jonas., Ettema, Dick., Handy, Susan., Martin, Adam & Reardon, Louise. (2020). Commuting and Wellbeing: A Critical Overview of the Literature with Implications for Policy and Future Research. Transport Reviews.  doi: 10.1080/01441647.2019.1649317
  • Borzino, Natalia., Chng, Samuel., Nevat, Ido & Schubert, Renate. (2020). Willingness-to-pay and preferences for heat mitigation measures in Singapore. Singapore-ETH Centre. doi: 10.3929/ethz-b-000439152
  • Borzino, Natalia., Chng, Samuel., Chua, Rochelle., Nevat, Ido & Schubert, Renate. (2020). Outdoor Thermal Comfort and Cognitive Performance of Older Adults in Singapore: A field quasi-experiment. Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC). doi: 10.3929/ethz-b-000432015
  • Cheah, Lynette., Blessing, Lucienne., Chng, Samuel., Kurniawan, Jude Herijadi & Miller, Kristine. (2020). Designing for adoption of autonomous mobility services. Report for Daimler.
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Mathew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2019). To drive or not to drive? A qualitative comparison of car ownership and transport experiences in London and Singapore. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 100030. doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2019.100030
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Mathew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2019). Consideration of environmental factors in reflections on car purchases: Attitudinal, behavioural and socio-demographic predictors among a large UK sample. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 927-936. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.179
  • Poon, King Wang., Chng, Samuel., Willems, Thijs., Haridas, Gayathri., Norhashim, Norakmal Hakim Bin., Subhan, Mohamed Salihin., Gan, Sarah., Goh, Galvyn., Apsley, Holly & Vinod, Radha. (2019). Polarising of job opportunities – Charting new pathways and adopting new technologies. Singapore: Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute, National Trades Union Congress. ISBN: 978-981-14-0858-8
  • Chng, Samuel., Abraham, Charles., White, Mathew P., Hoffmann, Christin., & Skippon, Stephen. (2018). Psychological theories of car use: An integrative review and conceptual framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 55, 23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2017.10.009
  • Cheah, Lynette., & Chng, Samuel. (2018). Perceptions and planning for future transportation technologies. Report for the Public Transport Council.
  • Chng, Samuel., & Sania, Sadiq. (2017). Adolescents’ subjective appraisals: Relationships with body image and dieting attempts. International Journal of School Health, e44761. doi: 10.5812/intjsh.44761
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017). Commute Decisions: The Role of Urban Density, Travel Distance and Public Transport Accessibility. Available at SSRN. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3599960
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Matthew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2016). Commuting and wellbeing in London: The roles of commute mode and local public transport connectivity. Preventive Medicine, 88, 182-188. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.04.014
  • Chng, Samuel., & Fassnacht, Daniel. (2016). Parental comments: Relationships with gender, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating in Asian young adults. Body Image, 16, 93-99. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2015.12.001
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Matthew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2015). Car commute differences within urban England and Wales. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6(3), 46
  • Chng, Samuel., & Fassnacht, Daniel. (2013). Parental influences on young adult body dissatisfaction and disordered eating: The role of gender. Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. doi: 10.1007/978-981-4560-61-0_34
  • Chng, Samuel., White, Matthew., Abraham, Charles., & Skippon, Stephen. (2015). Car commute differences within urban England and Wales. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6(3), 46

Conference Presentations/Proceedings

  • Chng, Samuel. (2025, Jan). From Urban Heat to Climate Solutions: Engaging Citizens for Change. 1st Global Heat Health Information Network Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum, Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
  • Wee, Ethel., Zainal Shah, Suhaila., Chng, Samuel. (2024, Nov). Exploring Gendered Realities and Work-family Dynamics Among Public Bus Drivers in Singapore. TASA 2024 Living Now: Social Worlds and Political Landscapes, organised by The Australian Sociological Association.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2024, Aug). Urban Heat Resilience in Singapore – Opportunities and Challenges for Citizens. Paper presented at the International Conference on Resilient Systems, 2024.
  • Wong, Sarah., Liu, Xiaohan., Du, Yuting., Bou, Dolphie., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jul). Assessing Urban Streetscape Features Using Street View Imagery: The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Paper presented at The International Conference: Resilience by Technology and Design 2024.
  • Liu, Xiaohan., Wong, Sarah., Bou, Dolphie., Du, Yuting., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jul). Exploring the Dynamics of Urban Mobility Pattern Using GPS Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Paper presented at The International Conference: Resilience by Technology and Design 2024.
  • Jensen, Olivia., Trinh, Tra. Thi., Chng, Yee. Siang., Li, Yunjing., Chng, Samuel., Leong, Chi. Hoong. & Neo, Harvey. (2024, Jun). The Prospect of Collective Climate Action: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Expectations of Net Zero Amongst Singapore’s Citizenry. Paper presented at World Cities Summit, Science of Cities Symposium.
  • Suhaila, Zainal. Shah., Chng, Samuel., Chan, Sarah., & Neo, Harvey. (2024, May). Exploring Psychosocial Differences Underlying Divergent Public Priorities across Societal, Technological, Economical, Environmental, and Political Issues. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Chan, Sarah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2024, May). A Comprehensive Investigation of Psycho-Social Barriers to Environmentally Sustainable Heat Coping Action in the Tropics. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Chng, Samuel., Suhaila, Zainal. Shah., Chan, Sarah., Low, Weijian. & Chua, Breanne. (2024, May). Randomised Trial of a Gamified Inoculation Intervention to Reduce Susceptibility to Scams. Paper presented at the Association of Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention.
  • Wong, Yi. Jie., Poh, Ruth., Koh, Lip. Wee., Xin, Yang. & Samuel, Chng. (2024, Jan). Overcoming Barriers by Businesses to Road Pedestrianisation in Singapore. Paper presented at the 103rd Transport Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Dec). Interconnected Futures: Bridging the Climate Knowledge-Action Gap. Singapore Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore. (Keynote)
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2023, Nov). Taming the dragon of inaction - re-prioritising the importance of climate action. Paper presented at the BEHAVE 2023: 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • Suhaila, Zainal Shah., Chng, Samuel. & Neo, Harvey. (2023, Nov). Perceptions of Future and Public’s Prioritisation of Diverse Social Goals: Unravelling the Temporal Dimensions of Climate Change Actions in Singapore. Paper presented at 2023 Joint ANZRSAI/RSA Conference - Global Crises and Regional Futures, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Nov). Designing for the public adoption of AAM – Insights from autonomous mobility. Invited talk at the EU-Asia Symposium on UAS/UAM 2023. (Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Oct). The Green Shift: Green Minds. Four Conversations 2023 organised by the National Library Board, Singapore. (Panelist)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2023, Sep). We Lead the Way: The Human Side to a Car-Lite Singapore. Invited talk for International Car-free Day organised by the Land Transport Authority, Singapore. (Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2022, Dec). Cities, Complexity, Psychology. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology, Singapore. (Keynote Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. (2022, Oct). Urban Transformation and Socio-economic Changes in Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery. Ponlok Chomnes National Policy Forum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Invited Panellist)
  • Chng, Samuel., Kawasumi, Mikiko., Adib, Mohd. Ahda., Mangla, Chavi. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Oct). Evaluating the Use of Graphic Symbols in Autonomous Vehicle-To-Pedestrian Communication. Paper presented at the 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Miller, Kristi., Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Aug). Understanding acceptance of shared autonomous vehicles among people with different mobility and communication needs. Paper presented at the Bridging Transport Researchers 2022.
  • Chng, Samuel., Plananska, Jana. & Cheah, Lynette. (2022, Aug). Comparison of travel attitude study methods using online tools: The case of understanding public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Paper presented at the Bridging Transport Researchers 2022.
  • Bala, Haimanti., Anowar, Sabreena. & Chng, Samuel. (2022, Jan). Enthusiasts to Pessimists: Profiling Potential Autonomous Transit Users in Singapore. Paper presented at the 101st Transport Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2021, Nov). Environmental considerations in car purchases. Tackling the climate crisis: A data dive, organised by Understanding Society, the UK Data Service and The Young Foundation. (Invited Speaker)
  • Chng, Samuel. & Hou, Yuting. (2021, Jul). Keeping public transport attractive in post-Covid-19 cities. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual University Transport Study Group Conference.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Borzino, Natalia. (2021, Jul). Relationships between environmental attitude and willingness to pay for Urban Heat Island mitigation. Paper presented at The 32th International Congress of Psychology.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2021, Jul). How We Consider Future Consequences Affects our Optimism During Digital Transformation. Paper presented at The 32th International Congress of Psychology.
  • Yang, Wang., Chng, Samuel., Trenerry, Brigid., Shah, Suhaila, Zainal Shah., & Lim, Sun Sun. (2021, May). Changing workplace communication with Mobile Technologies: A Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management System in a Construction Company. Paper presented at 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference.
  • Chng, S. (2021, Apr). Building Back Better: Asian Leadership in COVID-19. Davos Dialogue, World Economic Forum, Palo Alto Shaper’s Hub. (Panellist)
  • Chng, S. (2021, Apr). Building back better: Understanding Singaporean Public Administration Best Practices in the COVID-19 Reset. Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration 2021 Conference.
  • Nair, Sreeja., Lim, Sun Sun., Trenerry, Brigid., Chng, Samuel., and Wang, Yang. (2021, Feb). Preparing for workforce transformation in Singapore: The role of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The Australasian Public Policy Network Conference.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2020, Sep). Understanding citizen’s aspirations for their cities’ mobility and its relationship with acceptance of autonomous vehicles: A case of Singapore. Paper presented at the 8th World Sustainability Forum.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Sep). The future of road public transit: Autonomous and accepted? Paper presented at The 8th World Sustainability Forum.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Aug). Understanding Acceptance of Autonomous Road Public Transport in Singapore. Paper presented at The Second Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference.
  • Chng, Samuel., Anowar, Sabreena & Cheah, Lynette. (2020, Jan). Preferences for Autonomous Public Transit Vehicles: Insights from A Survey and A Public Engagement Event in Singapore. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Cheah, Lynette. (2019, Oct). Public acceptance of autonomous road public transport in Singapore. Paper presented at 26th ITS World Congress, Singapore.
  • Trenerry, Brigid., Haridas, Gayathri., Chng, Samuel., Wang, Yang & Lim, Sun Sun. (2019, Aug). The gender implications of the future of work in Singapore. Gender Summit 16, Singapore.
  • Chng, Samuel. & Gan, Sarah. (2019, Jul). Individuals in Smart Cities: Understanding how individuals perceive and react to technological introductions. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology.
  • Haridas, Gayathri., & Chng, Samuel. (2018, Sep). Understanding Digital Health in Smart Singapore. Paper presented at Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2018, Jun). Encouraging low-emission vehicles purchases? Understand the underlying pro-environmental attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri., & Willems, Thijs. (2018, Jun). Developing a framework of technology adoption and resistance for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Poster presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Chng, Samuel., Poon, King Wang., Hakim Norhashim, Norakmal., Haridas, Gayathri., & Willems, Thijs. (2018, Jun). Understanding the employees’ perception of new technologies during digital transformation: A pilot study. Paper presented at the Singapore Congress on Applied Psychology, Singapore.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2018, May). The psychology of sustainable transport decisions: Car use, car purchase and beyond. Paper presented at The Psychology of Sustainable Consumption, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017, Nov). Towards a unified framework of adoption of healthcare technologies. Poster presented at the Future Health 2017: Innovations Transforming Healthcare, Singapore.
  • Willems, Thijs., Chng, Samuel., Haridas, Gayathri., & Poon, King Wang. (2017, Oct). The shifting landscape of work and organisation: Exploring power relations at work in the Digital Society. Paper presented at The Industrial Revolution 4.0: Preparing for Disruptive Technologies in 21st Century Asia, Singapore.
  • Chng, Samuel. (2017, Aug). Exploring the role of access to public transport in commute choices and wellbeing in London. Paper presented at the Commuting and Wellbeing: Academic Symposium, University of West England, Bristol, UK