Rising humidity, pollution, and urban densities have made it increasingly difficult to be comfortable in the streets and parks of many Asian cities. Designers must work increasingly hard to ensure external urban spaces retain their commercial, cultural, and recreational importance. This talk will discuss two ways this can be addressed. First, to revisit Asian cultural practices which temper the effects of the external environment on the body, along with re-introducing ritual and thermal delight, and secondly, a return to spatial and architectonic design principles which respond to, rather than deny, atmospheric conditions.
Jillian Walliss is an Associate Professor of landscape architecture at The University of Melbourne. Her work focuses on the intersection of theory, technology, culture, and contemporary design practice. She has published the award-winning Digital Technologies and Landscape Architecture: reconceptualising design and making (2016) and The Big Asian Book of Landscape Book of Landscape Architecture (2020).
Panel Discussion
A/P Jillian Wallis and Dr Heike Rahman
Dr Heike Rahmann is Senior Lecturer in landscape architecture at RMIT University. Her research combines design practices and contemporary urbanism with a special focus on theory, technology and urban ecology. She has published three co-authored books including Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence (Jovis, 2014) with Marieluise Jonas and The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture (Jovis, 2020) with Jillian Walliss.
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