How do we use WhatsApp, and can we categorise different types of usage patterns? With approximately 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is the most widely-used messaging platform. During times of crises, it has also been implicated in the spread of falsehoods and in shaping crisis outcomes. Despite its influence, little is known about how content is received, generated, or disseminated. In this talk, Jean will present two studies conducted in Singapore and India during the COVID-19 pandemic. To capture ‘COVID-19 chatter’ on WhatsApp, more than 1000 participants were recruited and 7 days of WhatsApp diary reports were collected from each participant. These findings provide a snapshot of how content spreads, and of the users who spread them.
About the Speaker
Dr Jean Liu is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Yale-NUS College. Her research focuses on digital well-being, and how advances in medical technology interact with the broader social context. Within this remit, her research group, The Synergy Lab, addresses both basic science and translational topics, incorporating data from randomized controlled trials, surveys, experience sampling, behavioural paradigms, neuroscience, and digital devices.
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