31 May 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Brown Bag Lunch Talks


How can ‘digital design’ – the use of data, algorithms and online platforms – help cities address the Climate Emergency by radically reducing global carbon? What skills will tomorrow’s designers require to practise ‘online’ as well as ‘on land’? What technologies will make the real difference needed? Is it sufficient to focus on self-parking cars and self-emptying bins that optimise existing urban systems or are alternative, transformational approaches required? What new kinds of places, products and processes are made possible by digital design techniques? For example, will the creation of online meeting rooms reduce the need for carboniferous travel? Can machine learning help optimise the energy performance of buildings and urban systems? How will artificial intelligence direct us even further towards the ecological enhancement of buildings and cities? Join Tim Stonor as he discusses these questions.

About the Speaker

Tim Stonor is an architect and urban planner who has devoted his career to the analysis and design of human behaviour patterns – the ways in which people move, interact and transact in buildings and urban places. He is an internationally recognised expert in the design of spatial layouts and, in particular, the role of space in the generation of social, economic and environmental value. Tim was appointed Managing Director of Space Syntax in 1995. He has led the company from its origins at University College London to its position today as practice operating globally.


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